Almost Halloween!!

Oct 30, 2008 19:38

Damn, it's been a while since I've updated!  We've been crazy busy, and loving life, though we've spent more time sick than we'd like :/  We went to an awesome Vampires vs Werewolves party last weekend!  and I was taught about as much hand-to-hand combat techniques as is possible to learn in a couple of hours, after drinking a bottle of wine and two Mike's hard...something or others.  I'd love to take classes, but I'm thinking finding the time for that is going to be damn nigh impossible :(

We(well, pretty much just I)'ve been feverishly setting up for our party.  There are quite a few less people than last year, so we won't have the monstrous parking problem we had.  Scott played vehicle tetris all night, only had about an hour of actual party time, and passed out.  Not the best birthday ever :(  So hopefully this year will be much better!  I like smaller parties better anyway, you actually get the chance to talk to people, rather than rush around and just say hi.

OH!  and my favorite book series (Sword of Truth, thank you Shane) EVER is being turned into a show on the CW!!  The series, or at least the first season, is based off of the first book, Wizard's First Rule, and it's premiering this Saturday night, when we're at Loof and Sav's party :(((((  If you're in the vicinity of a TV, watch The Legend of the Seeker on the CW (channel 11 for me) at 8.   and don't spoil it for me!  I have to find somewhere to get episodes, maybe the purchase of a DVR is on the horizon.  OK, I have just begun far too many sentences with and.  Bad me.  And (grimace) I'm watching Smallville right now, and it was just advertised!!!  YIPPEEE!!!!!  Can't wait, can't wait

I can't wait for tomorrow, our party is gonna rock!  And then on to Sav and Loof's party!  and then our nephew's birthday party on Sunday!  Ohhh, I better not drink too much on Saturday, or that will be painful...I think I'll be drinking in moderation at pretty much all parties.  I don't drink all that much, but it's taking more and more to affect me.  Anyone have any suggestions on stuff that'll get you nice and buzzy with a minimum of drinking?  Hmmm...maybe JD's...yeah.  It also leaves you with little to no hangover.  Me likey.

Everyone have a happy and safe Halloween XD
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