Sep 02, 2008 19:17
So, I quit derby. It was good while it lasted, but then things got un-fun, which I was willing to live with until the end of the season, because I love my girls (and still do, most of them), but when bullshit was added, it wasn't worth it. Not when I have a million other things going on in my life competing for attention, and not when it's obvious I'm not appreciated. Oh well, I've already moved on. As Scott posted on another forum, happiness is a decision, and I'm THERE, baby! And that does NOT mean that I don't love the girls who are still supportive of me and my decision. We still have many good times ahead of us! Look for an invite soon ;)
In other news, the National Event went phenomenally at our site! the Symposium couldn't have gone better, everyone got along so well and there was practically no bickering, which is HUGE! Twelve owners, all used to being kings of their domain, and no huge irreconcilable disagreements. Or even little ones. The event itself was fun, though I would've rather been PCing than darksiding. If I knew it was going to be about a 50/50 split I would've. My Scooter makes the best big baddie. I love it!
Now to watch a movie and enjoy my Sangria buzz: something I haven't been able to do anytime recently on a Tuesday. Awww yeah!