I'm creeping out of posting hibernation

Aug 13, 2009 23:25

Holy shit, the Eagles have signed Michael Vick???  I just found out when a friend on another site predicted that Donovan McNabb would be replaced in the middle of the season by (sic) Vic who would take them to the Super Bow....I'm like, they signed some guy named Victor??

I don't know what to think about this.  I'm a huge animal lover, but I also believe if someone did their time, they should be able to earn a living at their craft and given a second chance... people have to be able to earn a living in order to begin to work on themselves to not do what got them in jail in the first place..

But jeez, he organized dog fights... dog fights!  I'm so confused...I'm going to develop a split personality cheering for the Eagles while jeering when Vick is leading them.
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