(no subject)

Sep 25, 2005 14:59

LJ Interests meme results

  1. big brother:
    wow my interest page is old and this is from when i was obsessed with watching big brother.. i'm thinking 11th grade. i definitely don't watch anymore.
  2. christ episcopal church:
    this is my home church, I absolutely love it there and it's where i feel most comfortable. I've been attending for almost 15 years and it has been a huge impact in my life.
  3. diocese of florida:
    The diocese that Christ Church is in. Everyone that lives in the Diocese of Florida attends the same Happenign weekends... good times.
  4. exploration:
    A 3 week summer camp that I went to at Yale after my sophomore year with 650 other students internationally. It was freaking amazing... defintiely one of my defining summers and I loved it. I still keep in touch with people I met from there.
  5. jam:
    So this is my old dance studio from 1st grade to 10th grade. I think it's funny that I still have it on my interest list.
  6. let's dance:
    My dance studio that split from JAM and left JAM out of business. Miss Lori opened Let's dance, it's awesome.
  7. mission trips:
    I love mission trips- they are absolutely amazing. To see all that we have and be humbled by how much we can help others by just loving on them is amazing. We need to do God's work globally, and mission trips are a great way to do that.
  8. prayer groups:
    Well I enjoy prayer groups and accountability... It's great to be supported and uplifted by other Christians.
  9. survivor:
    This was also when I used to watch TV... in high school.
  10. whales:
    Whales are my favorite animals! I've always had a dream to jump off Shamu's nose... my mom told me to get a new dream, so i changed my major.

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