Beyonce has let me down again

Nov 10, 2005 18:15

I try and tell myself that music does not have to be about ethics.  It’s ok to listen to cheesy R&B pop if you want to and it doesn’t have to mean that you necessarily support the beliefs of that group or that you think that you like them for any kind of artistic integrity.  Sometimes it’s just about liking the music and turning a blind eye to everything else.  But yesterday I found out a piece of information that is testing my cheek-turning abilities.

Destiny’s Child announced yesterday that they will be endorsing Wal-Mart on the Wal-Mart holiday television and print ads this season.

Wal-Mart Holiday Commercial featuring girls of Destiny's Child 

What the fuck?!

Beyoncé’s got Tommy, L'Oreal and Pepsi under her belt already, not to mention any of her movies, or the high fashion line of clothing she's about to debut.  But now she’s working with Wal-Mart?  You know, it’s no big deal.  It’s only one of the most monopolistic, low-wage paying, economy-busting corporations that’s in existence.

I love Beyoncé.  She has a killer voice.  She’s soulful and rich.  She gets into her music and she isn’t afraid to break it down like she’s channeling some Diana Ross and Tina Turner.  Beyoncé is one of my favorite artists. She’s shapely and not a bean pole.  She has a respectable relationship with another successful and yet respectable member of her industry.  Beyoncé has not done a reality series where she talks about bodily functions or where she doesn’t know the difference between tuna or chicken.  She has not fled to police after a drunken shoot-out in a club.  She has not had a mental breakdown and had to sign herself into a mental institution.  There is not quickie Las Vegas wedding, or annulment.  She has none of that.

She’s real, and the woman can sing.  I really really want to be able to appreciate this music in peace but she makes it so hard for me if she’s going to be the spokesperson for someone like Wal-Mart.  It doesn’t get much more evil than that.  Oh, unless you want to talk about McDonald’s, except, oh wait, she’s already done an add campaign for them, too.

This kind of corporate sponsorship is about to get out of hand for me.

People can argue that money is money and that she’s just trying to make a buck and that she shouldn’t have to feel shame for that.  If you're broke and you've got to make some money, then you take it where you can get it. Beggars can't be choosers. But Beyoncé is no beggar. She can afford to make some choices in her life, like maybe being a little bit chosier in her endorsements.  Beyoncé has already made a healthy dollar with her voice and her albums and her concerts, merchandise, etc.  She’s doing ok in the money department.

I also think that celebrities have the responsibility to use the power of their celebrity status wisely. Whether or you signed up to be a role-model or not, you have impressionable minds who follow what you do and you need to be aware of that.  Promote issues that you believe in and not just the ones that pay you.

Pearl Jam led the music industry’s fight against TicketMaster’s increasing ticket fees.  They lost money by having to schedule a tour with tier 2 venues but they did it because they were making a point. They joined the John Kerry Vote for Change tour last year to show their support for the Democratic party.  They have songs that show their support for abortion laws and during their famous unplugged performance of the song “Porch” Eddie crazily scribbled “PRO-CHOICE” all over his left arm.

That’s a group who represents principles that they believe in and not products they’re just paid to promote.  You'll never hear Pearl Jam singing on any Mickie D’s commercials and you sure as hell are never going to find them endorsing on a Wal-Mart print ad, or any product/corporation whatsoever for that matter.  They make money off selling their music and off playing their music and that’s enough for them. They use their high profile status to bring attention to issues they feel are important and not just to endorse products they don't believe in so they can make a little money on the side.

Wal-Mart suppresses wage levels, workplace protections, and labor laws all just to keep their prices low, which in the end poses so many more hidden costs to the economy.  That and the fact that Wal-Mart is one of the largest monopolies on the globe and if you know anything about economics, you know that that is one of the most detrimental things you could do for the overall outcome of a healthy economy.

McDonald’s is perpetuating the reasons why Americans are over weight compared to the rest of the world.  They sell cheap food, which makes you fat, and they pay their employees cheap wages, which hurts our economy.

I’m not trying to say that all corporate sponsorship is evil, either.   Sell your name to make a buck, sure. But at least be a little selective on what kind of items you're willing to put your name on.  Money isn’t worth your soul.

Do you find it hard to like a band if you enjoy their music but not their ethics?

(this post was inspired from a thread on the BeyonceLove lj community. )

beyonce, mcdonald's, pearl jam, wal-mart

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