I dislike winter. I hate being cold, I just can't seem to keep warm. Today it rained all day and it struggled to 12C - yay. We are only halfway through winter as well and summer seems such a long way off. Queensland is looking more attractive by the day - warm all year round although the humidity in summer would kill me. I do like our dry Mediterranean climate here in summer.
It seems that I will not be working at the hospital anymore after this week. I had a discussion with the GM today and they offered me $17.50 an hour to work there! I am worth far more than that and I would be on the poverty line if I accepted it, not to mention going backwards in the career stakes. I said I would "sleep on it" but I am going to decline it tomorrow, which means I finish up on Friday. I will then have a week off with Darcy when he gets back from Melbourne on Sunday and then back to temping after that. I feel okay. I feel that everything happens for a reason and this is just another turn in the road.
I miss Darcy very much.
Tonight I went to an acting workshop. I registered as an extra with Actors Ink some weeks ago and they rang me on Monday and asked if I wanted to attend a workshop tonight. It is compulsory for all registrants to attend. So I went along and did not expect to have to improvise, act, mime and do all sorts of interactive bits and pieces. It was actually a lot of fun, although a tad embarassing! I'm not sure how to get over my embarassment when acting - I sure would like to be ultra confident and not let embarassment hold me back. I guess it is something that comes with practice. An extra part on McLeods Daughters would be great but I won't hold my breath! Depending if I get any work, I might enrol Darcy in an acting workshop as well and if he likes it, I might register him with Actors Ink rather than Rachels.
Last night I went to
Emma Hack's body art exhibition opening night with A. It was a good night - nearly 300 people were there. She is a very talented body painter (the best in Australia) and will go far. A and I had dinner on The Parade following the exhibition. It's been good to keep myself busy while Darcy is away. Tomorrow afternoon I have a massage.