*your a putty mc pooty put*

Sep 25, 2005 21:12

hey guys, i love 3 day weekends! i think i already told you all about thursday so i will skip that, but ok friday i didnt do anything. it was like a chill day for me. Saturday i worked all day until about 5ish. it was just me, bryce and arlyn. Jon came to visit me :) that was fun, we pretend to be looking for something for his mom so arlyn wouldnt yell at me hahaha it worked. ok after that i went to jess's house to spend the night. we had alot of fun. i helped her type up the songs and there singers for all her cds, well actually i didnt really help haha i dont know like any of those songs she has on there. but yeah anyways, after that we watched the Oc that her mom tapped when we were at the movies on friday...it was SOOO GOOD! ugh but alot of the parts made me mad, and i think that one girl, taylor i think, and the dean of the school are having an affair, cus there was some looks going on there. ok so after the oc, we played a game called "Scene it" that was alot of fun, i was losing really bad at one point, but then i caught up and we were both about to win...and then jess won :( hahah horse whisperer? uhhh jon said the randomest thing to me online at her house, he called me a putty mc pooty put. hahahahahaha i love it. o yeah and he came over later that night like around 1 sh. goodtimes...hahaha riggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhht.

ok then today i watched a movie and did some laundry...i know awesome. anyways thats all.
later kids.

*love* ♥

junior year!

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