Aug 21, 2006 23:37
dude the pink falmingos flew through my dungon last friday morning. I screamerd at the top of my lung and then GOd....said it GON RAIN niggers and you will get fucked up the ass hole becassue you are a dumb whore. due im jus chilling like a villin in my chilling filiinn m,y fish to the top of te barn nigga!! download jasob the jww today, IN THEATERES JULY 145th 1985, oh shit its like 2006 now, fuck the aliens changed the time. ALL HAIL CHUCK NRISS he can blow lead nuts ut of this mothers nose like it was big piece opf cake that tasted like chippy chappy orn dogs! I came to a revelation today, my dad eats toes, he sad it made you toes feel all sugaring. like sweeat and sor suace n my car, it brngs all of the cheese people who take down trees like a freakin water tree. water brings out the best of people, every who says I hope you die, will live forever in grassy knoll where the mdakrtd b fdsa asfgmcharge jar binks guy eats of the gas in a sandwish and screma "BY GO GOLLY G UNIT SALLY" where hawve you bee nthese days,