Jun 02, 2005 17:23
Who the hell decided that everyone in Shakespeare class should have to print and post flyers, and that I should have tape them onto on evey bulletin board of designated building? Probably the same person who decided to make me tape one onto every other seat of a friggin 500 person lecture hall. When the flyer girl announced that I had to do so, I glared at her. Then she suggested that I get people to help me. I glared some more. Do people not understand that I was incapable of making friends this year and thus have no one to help me? And do they seriously think that putting up their fugly posters is going to attract an audience? This play is going to be the epitome of lame, so why do they want people to see it? Besides, I would rather not have the theater so packed that my friends coming from a hundred miles away can't even get a seat. That would be so sad. *Note to friends: never wake me up from a nap to tell me I have to put up flyers*
As long as I'm at it, who decided that it was okay to have a midterm a week before the final? And who decided that we should have the play at the beginning of finals week? And why does someone think she needs her music on in our room while she is taking a shower? She always does that! Bah humbug. I need a hug.