Third Day - Come Together

Dec 23, 2004 00:08

"Chiggins! C-H-I-G-G-I-N-S! Cchhhhiiiii-iiiIIGGINS!"

Well, I've been having an interesting time as of late. There's basically 2 days until Christmas, and I still have some of my major shopping to do, mostly because I've been working my behind off and haven't been off since ohhhh last... actually I dunno. I think it was maybe last Wed. or Thurs., and I've closed the last 3 or 4 nights (hence why I wasn't at church Sunday morning and haven't been available in the evenings at all for awhile).
Besides that, I've been worried/scared of what's going to happen w/ school next year. I've had a couple of meltdowns in the past week because 1)unbeknownst to me until it was too late, my dad forgot to pay my Spring 2005 bill for school and thus all of my classes (which have been closed since October or November) were cancelled from my schedule; 2) I was anxiously awaiting my grades, which I was predicting to be completely HORRIBLE; 3) I realized last night that I had forgotten to turn my books back in at school, which would cost me at least $800 to pay for all of them. Every one of these things would have had a big influence on my next semester. All I can say is that I am glad my brother is here. He prayed with me and made me realize that I just really need to trust God through whatever happens, because like the Good Book says, "we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" (Rom. 8:28).
So after I almost had a complete nuclear meltdown that could've been as bad as that whole Chernobyl thing, I pretty much had two immediate answers to prayer: first of all, I got my grades today, and although they definitely could've been better, I pulled an A in a class that I didn't expect to do it in, and I got a D in Algebra! Yay! (well I thought I was going to fail, so I am pretty happy that I managed to get credit for a class that I skipped a WHOLE bunch and didn't apply myself to at all.) And although my GPA is not in the best shape in the world, I will still manage and things will be okay and I'm still a student in good standing... which is really what matters. Secondly, my bro convinced me to get my books back today on the chance that they still might accept them. I was freaked out because when we went into Textbook Services the place looked deserted, but there was one guy working there who said that since they hadn't updated the website, they would take my books still, and with no penalty! SWEET! So that was also a definite answer to prayer.
The only thing left that I have concern about is going to school next semester. I looked up the open classes online, and really... there are none. There's only one left that I was registered for before, and no other ones that would help me really... not even if I tried to take ones applying to my minor. I would end up having another semester of classes that have nothing to do with each other, which is exactly what I DON'T want. I probably would also use up alot of my electives, which I would rather save for later in my academic career. Besides these reasons, not having classes would give me alot more time to get things done that I would like to do, such as 1)laundry, first and foremost, among other household chores. I get really sick of never feeling like I have time to clean and get stuff done that I want to. 2) It would be alot easier for me to make up the money that I cleared out of my bank account for my car and for the Zambia trip, because I would have more time to work and do Gateway studies and build up my funds again. Besides this, 3) I know that not having classes that matter or ones that I enjoy will not lead to my academic success. I know that I'll just slack off in some of them like I did this year, and I'll just be taking them because I HAVE to be in school. Who says I have to anyway? 4) I'll have more time to study things that are important to me: namely, the Bible and increasing my knowledge of it. I have a ton of books and stuff that I've been wanting to read for a long time (Christian and nonChristian ones alike) that I really feel like I need to get though and study on my own and whatnot. At least, I would really like to do so.
Well, I don't know what will happen this spring, but God has given me a real peace about it. I know that no matter what, things will work out the way they're supposed to.

I'm gonna close with a passage that I found the other night that is totally flippin SWEET, and I hope it blesses you as it has blessed me. I pray that your Christmas will draw you nearer to Him who was born for US. Merry Christmas.

Good and upright is the LORD;
therefore he instructs sinners in his ways.
He guides the humble in what is right
and teaches them his way.
All the ways of the LORD are loving and faithful
for those who keep the demands of his covenant.
-- Psalm 25:8-10
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