Oct 23, 2004 00:26
So... have you ever tried that Silk soy milk stuff? Yeah, I hadn't either. The other day between classes at school, I wanted something healthy to drink and didn't feel like getting something from a vending machine, so I went down to the cafeteria and looked around for something interesting. Now, being the smart cookie that I am, if my sole intention was to get something healthy, I could easily have grabbed a bottle of water (you can always use water!) or something, but instead I opted for the idea of some kind of breakfast-related thing, like a meal replacement drink or something. I'm walking around the cereal and everything when I see that Silk soy milk stuff. "Hmm," I think to myself, "this could be good; I think I'll try some." So I'm about to take a chocolate one but I notice that it has 26 grams of sugar, while the "vanilla" flavored kind had only 8. Yeah... I was dumb enough to take the vanilla.
Here's what I don't get, and what my main point of writing this is: how in the WORLD can all the health freaks in this world comPLETELY sacrifice their desire for their food to have a decent taste, all in exchange for having this feeling of superiority that they're healthier than the rest of us?? What a gay concept. I mean honestly, that soy milk was beyond horrible. I took like 3 sips, 4 tops, and had to throw the rest away. It would have been better for me to eat a handful of soybeans than to have them crushed up and mixed with water and some barely-there "vanilla" flavoring.
Of course, that's not the only crazy health food. Ever heard of Boca burgers? There's a whole company that makes "meatless" products out of soy. No offense, but why would you go out of your way to buy a meatless product that tastes "exactly" like it's made out of meat - especially when it's probably alot more costly? I'm sure it takes alot more effort to develop Boca products than it does to just sell a slab of cow in the grocery store. I haven't tried anything Boca, but every time I hear about them I just have to laugh because the concept is so weird to me. I have had a garden burger before that was Mushroom Cheddar, and that actually wasn't bad - it tasted alot like Stovetop Stuffing to me. But the whole Boca thing... wow.
Besides all the health nuts who just eat weird packaged food, there are also so many "wellness" gurus who claim that certain supplements and such can help you and benefit you as well. Now obviously this does not apply to ALL supplements - namely vitamin C, vitamin E, multivitamins, etc. - but some just take it to the extreme. For instance, my friend Amy's mom goes psycho with this stuff. Not only does she think that every health article on the Internet is true, she buys into all this supplement garbage. I remember one time I was over there eating dinner w/ them, and her mom was trying to make Amy eat some pollen along with her dinner because of some crazy health reason. She also has told me before that sniffing a green apple will make a headache go away, and humming clears up your sinuses. Besides these tidbits, she also has approximately 3 bushels of bottles of supplements, vitamins, etc., sitting around.
I guess if someone could actually prove to me that these kinds of things are worth the trouble, then I might take them more seriously, but the only effects of "wellness" that I've seen are that the people who deem it important end up being paranoid about everything that happens in their day-to-day lives. Every situation suddenly is viewed as really risky. Fun can't be had because, what if such-and-such happened? Oh gosh... the world would come crumbling down if we got the common cold once in awhile. Who cares, really? And I guess that's the point I'd like to end on: who really cares if we die? Die young, make a pretty corpse, that's my philosophy. This life isn't important, and there's a better one waiting for me in heaven anyway: I can honor God with my body (1 Cor. 6:20) without going crazy and being a worrywart about every single thing I consume or participate in.
k thx.