Aug 29, 2006 22:41
Ok so I haven’t updated in forever, and I'm working on the last month, so in order to not fall too far behind, I’m going to do recent events as the happen, and then probably add the rest in later.
Saturday August 26th-
I really needed clothes that actually fit, so me and heather went all over trying to find good clothes. It’s too bad neither of us can concentrate on anything for more than like three seconds. In the end we got a pair of pants, two shirts and a sweatshirt, but they all fit well. After we got clothes, we ate lunch at taco bell, and then left. When we got to the car we realized that we left the clothes at the table, and when we got back, they were gone. I guess security took them, because they were in this back room, and we got them back eventually. After that we went to confession and church which was really really nice. I really like that heather is the same religion, because it makes it so much easier. I know most of you hate religion, but seriously, how many of you have actually tried it. Like for real, instead of going off of what you see on TV. Anyways after church, we went back to my house to get the directions to Clarissa's party, and I changed clothes. We went to Clarissa’s party, which was a lot of fun, but Carissa didn’t like it much I don’t think, and I felt bad because her 18th was supposed to be really cool. Anyways the part had bonfires, and music and fun people, and everything. Also Megan ran into a screen door which pretty much made the night awesome.
Sunday August 27th-
ME and heather tried to get more clothes but failed because tj maxx is like the ghetto. WE almost died. Then we went to best buy, and I got the most AWESOME, FUN cd to play in the CAR. The MAKER of the cd should be like I don’t know crowned or something because the band is one of the coolest vie heard in awhile. There really unique, and have a good sound and creative lyrics. Some people say they sound like 80 different bands put together, but in my mind that makes a band unique. Anyways I can’t tell u the name of the band because I want them to stay non-mainstream, so only people who can actually appreciate the music will listen to them. SOAD is on a hiatus right now so maybe this will be an ok substitute, although you can never replace SOAD. After best buy we went to dairy queen and got fries and a shake. We ate it, and had a parking lot fight. This made the old people think we were on crack, but me and heather know better. After the fight we went to Holly's for a campfire, trampoline wrestling, and Charlie.
Monday August 28th-
Babysat all day because it was Monday. Then I finally got out, and went to Holly’s, where heather and holly of course were. Chilled there for awhile, and then volunteered at Aquinas were we helped them move there library to a different room. Left to pick up Mark from football, and drop him off. Off too speedway for slurpies and then back to Holly's for scrabble, and Trouble! Heather had to go home early because she got in trouble for something with the cell phone. I don’t know what really happened. Stayed and watched whose line and family guy then left.
August 29 Tuesday
Got a call at five in the morning from Amanda, and that started my day. Not really sure why I thought it was a good idea but whatever I had fun. So I go pick her up around six, and we head to Hailey Z’s (no clue how to spell) house. There was pregnant all over the place so we had to be sneaky. Snuck through the jungle, and knocked on the window to wake her up, she came out, and she wanted food. So we got breakfast, and brought her some too. Then we chilled for a bit, and left. WE couldn’t figure out where to go, when conveniently I drove onto Amanda's great grandma’s street. So we were like hey lets stop and say hi. We chilled there for a bit, and missed the cuckoo clock both times. The Great Grandma was cool, and fun to talk too. After we left we were going to go to the park, but we couldn’t find it, so we went and woke heather up. Heather’s grandparents were out walking, and we saw them. Heather was there, and we were like lets go give heathers great G-ma a cake for her birthday. So we got an ice-cream cake, and her grandma really liked it. On the way home we stopped by heathers old ghetto house, and heather fell down with the sickness. It was scary. So we went to picnsave for shrimp, and then we drove heather home because she had to go with her family to the water park. We went to Holly’s to eat the shrimp, and old melted ice-cream cake, and we ended up picking Megan up. So it was me Megan Amanda and holly. We went to target to get Casey but he had left, so we got Dr. Apple soda instead and talked which was cool. Then we tracked Casey Joey Desert Laura, and "Karl" down to Laura' s house and went there.(somewhere in here we went to Casey’s house and got Holly’s ipod, but I don’t remember exactly where) When we got to Laura’s Casey comes out chasing this big white ugly dog. IT was funny. Anyway they had to go cut grass so we went back to Megan’s, and Kelvin came. I got a call from heather, and she wanted to go home because she was sick, so she asked if I could pick her up, I said of course and printed out directions. The directions led us to Waukesha, which was the right city, but not even close to the right part of the city. So we drove around, Waukesha the most poorly designed city on the face of the earth trying to find our way, and finally made it to a country inn. To bad Heather was confused, and when she said country inn, she meant country springs, about seven miles in the other direction. We finally got there, and we were all happy. It took us an hour to get there because of the screwed up directions that told us to go this retarded way. IT took us roughly ten minutes to get back. It turns out all we had to do was take 45 to 94. Oh well, well know next time we need to rescue heather from a hotel. We went back to Megan’s, but Amanda had to go home, so we took her home, and heather got stuff from her house because she was sleeping at Holly’s, it took awhile because I had to find my watch which I had left there while ago, but I like to use it for work.. We went to McDonalds, and almost died, because this guy was like following us home for almost a half hour. Finally got back to Megan’s, and it was about time to leave. This was one of the best days of summer. I did so much today. I like starting early I think.
Right now life is going really well. I’m really happy that me and heather get along so well, and that things are going so well between us. I’m glad I have good friends that will wake up at five in the morning, and get lost in Waukesha with me, and this summer has been probably my best summer so far, even if it wasn’t yours. Thanks for the summer so far, and I hope that these last few days will be just as fun.