yippety skip ;)

Mar 06, 2005 16:35

I just got back from Thomas's about 30 minutes ago. I had a good weekend so far..I got a little pissy the other day because of Anthony, but I've made a promise to myself not to let low lifes get the best of me..I HATE THEREFORE I AM...lol...anyways, yeah I'm kinda hyper..in fact the first thing I did when I came home was do this stripper dance to "User Friendly" by Marilyn Manson...what?!?! Have you heard the song? It's stripper music!!! Yeah... Wow now I felt my energy go down a little bit..Anyway, Yeah the weekend was good...Anytime away from here is good..I mean I love my family and stuff, but I can only take so much of them..They're good in small doses..My mom bought me another Johnny Depp poster..can't thank her enough..Thomas is coming over again tomorrow..He was having a hard day today...he lost his gameboy..to him the gameboy is like crack, he plays it a lot..so you can imagine how he felt when it went missing. We think someone stole it..I wouldn't be the least bit surprised. I hate when good people like Thomas get ripped off... I mean he's never been anything but good to everyone who comes over there, and yet they screw him over. Like last week, me and him cleaned his room like really good..it took about 30-45 minutes to clean, because it was really freaking messy..and me and him come back one day, and people are all in his room without him being home and there is shit everywhere...some people have no respect over there...Mark and Renee don't do that shit, other people do..and I don't think Joey does it either...just people who stop by for a few minutes or maybe an hour. It's like they come by just to wreck Thomas's room without any consideration for him...or me, since I did help out in cleaning that bitch. He started locking his door..so maybe that will slow down some of the traffic in his room...poor guy. He's such a sweetheart. I really hope we can keep going for a while..I know I could. Within the past two weeks, he has helped me out so much..with getting me out of the house..being very affectionate, and just having someone to fucking talk to. I have a hard time opening up to people because I'm afraid of being betrayed...but for some reason I have this feeling he's very trustworthy, and I always did get good vibes from him..I'm trying to go along with my gut feeling a lot from now on..ever since the one "incident" ow however you spell that...anyway yeah I haven't gotten a bad feeling about him yet. He's a pretty awesome guy.
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