(no subject)

May 15, 2009 00:14

Daily randomness

  • 00:55 @ wendyisastar ugh i know... after the runway too? #
  • 00:58 i think i was just spoiled for lost... damn it #
  • 00:59 and i was planning on going to bed early to catch kelly on ellen tomorrow... oh well lost is more important #
  • 01:25 not watching lost... i'll be up till 3 and i have work tomorrow. listening to some music and playing games till bed. #
  • 01:25 and by bed i mean like 2:30 lol #
  • 14:23 just saw lost... wtf... #
  • 14:36 the glee version of don't stop beleiveing is amazing... i'm more excited for that than idol... and my voting shall suffer. sorry adam! #
  • 16:08 going to work. ugh... but betty and southland when i get back #
  • 22:27 ugh that was the shift from hell actually these past 3 days were #
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