(no subject)

May 13, 2009 00:17

Daily randomness

  • 12:04 was just about to record my nema... and the grabage truck showed up #
  • 12:06 @ Ilyanna i'm just happy it wasn't cut... and she was at the funeral in the book at least... (i read that part last night) #
  • 12:07 @ wendyisastar i thought that was last night... i can't tell time with talk shows lol #
  • 12:13 @ Ilyanna oh yeah i forgot to think of it from shippers pov... the only way to ruin that scene for me is not to have luna say her speech. #
  • 12:53 @ wendyisastar except due to the suckyness that is work tonight i'll be watching idol instead #
  • 13:10 NEMA # 3: tr.im/l9r6 #
  • 15:26 @ horcrionebay rhetoric is fun... i did my senior project in college on burke rhetorical theory and kelly clarkson #
  • 15:50 @ KWMomo77 a show about a glee club that looks to be awesome. its on tv next week after idol #
  • 16:01 @ KWMomo77 and you are a ravenclaw? I was amused by the singing and the pretty colors. #
  • 16:22 the school next door is training death eaters i keep hearing shouts of avada kedavra through my open window... #
  • 16:29 going to work... till 11ish. I'm unable to vote for Adam lambert so throw a few my way... and if voting is extended someone dm the number. #
  • 16:29 Also I have my wand ready to fight the death eaters on the way to the car. I will not die. #
  • 00:02 waiting for mom to finish washing her face to shower then watch idol... but my dad voted once for me! #
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