May 11, 2006 23:23
Did my first My entrance interview for medical school, the issue of termination of pregnancy came up. At that point I answered that I'd never do one, but being pro-choice, I'd refer the patient to someone who could help here.
But today, everyone in that department was working on my tits. It seems I can do nothing right. When I do a good job, no one acknowledges it, except for the nursing staff, but if I happen to not do something according to their exceedingly high standards...
It's really annoying things. Like this patient who had a hysterectomy on Tuesday, and had a temperature spike lastnight. I go this morning, after delivering their coffee pack to theatre (one of my jobs is coffee courier) and was about to start my ward round in the gynae ward, and see Nicola, who is just an MO, with the same qualifications as me, at age 29, but acts like she's my boss. So she tells me about Mrs Davids, and says that she has sent off investigations, but I should go and do an examination and make if I weren't going to do that anyways. So, assuming she has done anything those fuckwit consultants would want, I do. At that point, her temp had settled. so my conclusion was that she was "CURRENTLY" stable, and to continue observations. That afternoon at the ward round, Dr Macpherson bitches about my notes, saying ,"how can you possibly call a temp spike of 38 stable?". So I tell her that of course I didn't think it was normal, but when I examined her, she was STABLE AT THAT POINT. Then they ask me what investigations did we do. So I say, just the U MC+S. So they bitch about me not doing a chest x-ray. Then Nicola says ,"In a patient with pyrexia of unknown origin, you should ALWAYS do a chest xray!". Go fuck yourself with 3 glass dildos you bitch. Why did you not tell me to do one, or better yet, do it yourself? YOU saw the patient first. YOU sent off her urine. YOU told me to just examine her!
Anyways, just an example of how everyone just fucking goes out of their way sometime to annoy me in that place. So today, with TOP, they just kept on about it. At some point, I just got tired, and gave in. It wasn't nearly as harrowing as I thought, she was only 9 weeks, so there wasn't any obvious fetus.
But afterwards...and still, I just feel like I've done something really wrong.