(no subject)

Mar 17, 2006 00:53

I guess I realized... I don't look down on peoples shortcomings... until it puts me at a disadvantage.

Then I feel pissed off.

Ahah.. really... no problem with what people do.. until they start telling me how they're justified in doing it...

They start telling ME that what they're doing is fine. I never said it wasn't okay... but when you start telling me that it is...

Its not when you do something wrong, that it bothers me...

Its when you refuse to see that its wrong, or even try to justify it to me as plausible. When there is no reason too...

Then you say "I don't want you to look down on me"...

I won't do that, but I will get pissed off. Looking down on someone and getting pissed off are two different things.

If its sex... drugs.. whatever.. thats cool. If it distances us... its going to piss me off.

If you let it distance us... I'm going to get pissed off.

If it puts me at a disadvantage with you, experience wise... and you use that against me.

I'm going to get pissed off.

We've all changed over the years... we've all done things we weren't proud of...
However at this point in time, I can no longer see any excuses for anymore fuckups from any of us.

So in short... please don't do that stuff.

examples include....

posting you're dating two people at once...(even if they're both okay with it, thats fucked up)

posting how you've made out with people and posting it to where it'll obviously hurt someone...
(That was just fucking careless)

posting that you're doing drugs...

posting that you're cheating on your significant other, lying to him/her etc.

I can handle it, I don't want to read it.

The reason is I'll feel compelled to help you somehow, but it won't help when you enjoy the hole you're digging.
I'm MORE than capable of letting people experience life ANY way they want. The trick is I can't care if I don't know.

My compassion will get me in trouble, and when its rejected the next medicine I offer is its antithesis.

I have already taken measurements against having to read damaging topics. If you feel you must post it, warn me and I'll make sure I don't read it.

I'm not saying to live life sheltered, but don't be one of those fucktards who says "if its my time to go its my time" and says this as they stand in rush hour traffic blind folded. Because thats what some people do in life. They honestly think it makes sense...

But whatever, I call that natural selection...and stupidity.

Drugs will get you busted eventually... like my cousin who didn't have much, has a felony on his record now. Lost his scholarship...

Sex is great.. til you get pregnant by someone you REALLY don't fucking like or you get some weird STD or AIDS because you couldn't wait for love and a screening test.

American culture has put everyone in such a RUSH RUSH now now now I want it NOW! Mode... its unbelievable.

People don't want to wait for love.. they just want the sex...and they'll come up with any reason to have it...

"Oh I want my satisfaction"

"Oh its natural"

"Oh we were having fun together so I.."

We're only partially animals...theres a vast difference in our capabilities, there is something otherworldly about humans.

People don't want to meditate and calm themselves.. they'd rather smoke pot or cigs.

"I'm going to lose it if I don't get a smoke break"

"I could really use a joint to calm my nerves" THEN lets fuck...

"I'm bored man, lets go smoke a bowl"

Then people can't center themselves. This leads to problems, because they always NEED something for a quick mental fix.

Then they say they can quit whenever they want, but they don't want too. Lie to yourself please, it helps.

If any of this sort of material is part of your normal life that you feel you MUST post.

Then please have a nice one.

Sorry for any typos.
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