Jul 21, 2009 13:12
In all my time ( over seven years plus) at the gym I work at, I've never seen anything like this before. A short while ago, a gentleman ( really nice guy, he's an investor and is very wealthy, but you'd never know it...he drives this beat up old Toyota and wears shorts and t shirts all the time...but I know where he lives, and we've often talked about the stock market. He's incredibly down to earth and just a friendly person) had a heart attack while he was on the stairmaster. He simply just collapsed and fell off.
The gym staff are all trained in CPR and we also have those ( God, I can't remember what they are even called right now...the things that give a shock to the heart to get it beating again)...are they defibulators? Well, everyone just stopped working out and a guy immediately called 911 on his cell phone. Someone was pressing on his chest and a few moments later 911 came. All I could think was, oh my God...I thought he was dead because he just simply wasn't moving...just laying there for a good while. The paramedics then took him away.
You know, it goes without saying, for me anyways, that one of the main reasons I decided I didn't want to hold grudges with loved ones and or do anything embarassing to shame them ( Mom and Pop) is that...you just never know when someone's day here might be their last. I had a cousin who got into a fight with his dad and never resolved that, and a week later, his father was dead from a stroke. I don't know if I could live with myself if I didn't have some measure of peace and love with a person...and in my life, that person had been my father, for years.
While this gentleman didn't pass away, he could have, very easily. He has a high-stress job and while he's only 55, when he was 50, he had a triple-bypass and was seriously overweight. He decided to lose about 75 pounds and now, he works out about an hour and a half every day.
Please keep him in your prayers, my LJ friends. I really liked this guy, and so did everyone else at my gym....