Hi new friends! If people could describe me in two words they would say: PASSIONATE and HONEST.
Just an introduction to who I am and what I'm about :)
My name is Michelle, and I'm a 51 year old fitness enthusiast and all-around passionate, positive strong woman. I'm also a recovering drug addict who was addicted to pills, primarily painkillers and benzos). I'll be blunt and say I also have issues with depression, insomnia, and anxiety. One of the many reasons I love LJ is because folks here tend to be very open-minded and are able to discuss their issues without the fear of being judged.
Here's what you need to know about me on my blog:
1. I have talked about my past in great detail, including entries recently that talk about my prison sentence for drug-related violations ( I served 15 months total with 14 months on parole, and I was gone from LJ for 2 years off and on) and my stint as an exotic dancer which began after I graduated college and lasted for many years. I've also worked as a personal trainer but lost my certification due to my drug conviction felony. I've also worked briefly as a dominatrix ( BDSM) so I'm very open to alternative lifestyles and any sexual orientation. I do not judge.
2. People in my life that I talk often about include WALTER, my fiancee of five years whom I met on parole, my parents referred to as "MOM AND POP" whom I am very close to because I am an only child and live a mile away from them, " SAUCE" my current Snowshoe cat, and my past cat I lost some months ago, my beloved 19 year old Gangsta, the Triple OG! Oh and my betta fish, VALENTINA :)
3. I don't care what race/color/creed/religion/sexual orientation you are, as long as you're a good person, you're welcome here. I will ask that politics please be kept off my journal though because I'm not a very political person. I have a combination of opinions and views, but I don't talk about them here. This is my personal daily blog.
4. I love books of most genres, art, history, cats and animals in general, betta fish, music of all sorts ( opera, New Wave, metal, R and B, etc), fitness/dieting ( I recently converted to veganism), bodybuilding/weightlifting, skincare/bodycare, fashion to an extent, travel, and I LOVE LEARNING about different cultures! I COLLECT custom-made mermaid sculpts...that's my hobby. I'm also a new student to the art of aquascaping, and I've recently decided to try circus aerial arts as a workout :)
I'll tell you guys why I am still here on LJ and so dedicated to the community and friends here. When I was incarcerated in county jail shortly before I was shipped off to prison, because I was a daily poster and commenter, some friends here worried about why my journal was 'dead' for three weeks. A good LJ friend went and searched for me, having my full name, in the hospitals and the jail here. She found me in jail and sent me a postcard.
Through her, I gave her my password and was able to update my journal with the prison and jail addresses as to where I was. I was astonished at the number of friends who sent cards, postcards, letters, and artwork to me constantly. I received mail from LJ friends from the UK, too, and I cannot tell you how touched I was by this. I can never forget this kindness, and that's why I've been here so long. It's really my only social media. I don't do anything else but have a small FB account which I rarely use. THIS is my place.
Welcome to my world :)
Sauce my cat
Gangsta my old Triple OG
Walter and I
Mom and Pop: 87 and 88 years young: