There have been a number of stories lately about pre-teens taking the nyc subway on their own and causing a stir, whether it's appropriate for a 9 or 10 year old to be permitted to travel a known, short route. I think I'm in favour of it. I like to think, in this small town, children do have more free-range here. There's more of us stay at home moms for one thing, we know or recognize each others kids.
I had an interesting chat with a friend in Oakville however that made me wonder if I'm being too naiive or if she's waaaay too paranoid. Anyhow, I've been meaning to write about this for a while. I must come back to this.
Here's a bizarre news item where I would say an overzealous conductor over-reacted to seeing a 10 yr old boy on his solo subway trip, he was being met by a friends parents at his destination station. Also the subway doesn't have any age-restriction policies. I think my friend would side with the conductor. One never knows what might happen... I think its extremely unlikely but, sure things do happen. I also wonder how my views will change as my child(ren) grow up. My toddler is 17 months so of course he doesn't get much freedom now.
Kids here do walk to school from age 6. They take wooded trails, it's the way the town was designed. Most streets here do not have sidewalks. I am worried about the lack of sidewalks and walking with my toddler, especially as my pregnancy progresses and I'll find it more challenging to waddle quickly enough to chase my toddler. I've already bought a harness/leash thing which is in itself controversial, but I believe here it makes sense. There's more than a few teen drivers and some older ones too who drive too fast for a school zone with blind corners.
So maybe I'm already heading down the more overprotective path... I hope not. I hope I strike the right balance.