Oh no,its 6-6-06!!!Now all you crazy christians stay indoors and play jesus monopoly or something...

Jun 06, 2006 10:35

So its 6-6-06 and nothing terrible has happend like all you crazy fucks thought. Well not yet that is....MWAAA HAHAHAHAHA! Sorry, but I had to do it. Ya know what though....I think today is both of the fishes last day...the Lion Fish and the Red Sea Sailfin Tang...poor guys I'm so sad about that...we've had them forever. :-(

Jon and I are going to celebrate today by going to see The Omen. Aaand he doesn't know it yet but we're having a scary movie merithon of our own!! Complete with big screen tv, surround sound and movies such as...The original Omen, Stigmata, Phantoms, Thirteen Ghosts, and Natural Born Killers even though its not scary...but because we still haven't finished watching it and they do drive on hwy 666. I know it sounds really stupid to do but I'm pretty excited about it...I love just hanging out with Jon and spending all day glued to the couch. And we've never had a movie marathon together so yeh. And on our anneversiary we were supposed to go see a scary movie because thats what we did on our first date and we went to the Drive In and I guess because it was a scary movie and they're naturally dark movies...you couldn't see anything hardly so we got our money back and tried to go see it at the other theatre but we were too late, it had already started so we're going to make up for that today. What movie was that? Oh yeh! Silent Hill...we still haven't seen it yet either. Have any of you guys seen it? If so, how was it? I'll let you guys know whether or not you should waste your money on The Omen. Speaking of movies...we watched a good one the other day, The Weatherman with Nicholas Cage...it was funny. It reminded me of just everyday life....or everyday life for me that is, minus the fact that I don't get food chunked at me if I'm walking down the street. lol.

Alright well I guess I'm going to start getting ready for the day...I'm not walking today...don't know why, just don't feel like it. Alright well I'll let ya know how the day went later...
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