Jul 04, 2007 02:52
i honestly never thought that after eddie i could feel this way about another person. i never thought that anyone could ever mean more to me than him and when you came into my life, you completely proved me wrong. i don't want to lose you or anything we have and i honestly just want you to be happy, but i don't know what i would do without you here. i need you here. i don't want you to leave no matter what i say or how i make it seem because i love you and you made me believe that you love me too. so if you love me as much as you say you do, you'd just stay here with me please. i don't like crying over boys. you always told me that you would never want to hurt me, but this is hurting me. thinking of the fact that you might be leaving me, that hurts more than anything. i've honestly never had my heartbroken, but putting all of my faith into you and trying my best to stay afloat to be with you, knowing now that this is how it might end, truly does break my heart.
aside from erica&jenna, i would give up every friend in the world i have ever had in order to just stay with you and have you love me as much as i love you. that's all i ever wanted from you was to know that you love me as much as i love you and you actually made me believe that you do, and that's a big deal for me, so just please don't take all of the effort i have put into believing everything you say because that truly was hard for me.