Chapter 1: The Moon
The placement of the Moon in your birth chart is very significant from a karmic perspective, as it indicates the accumulated karmic tendencies, both positive and negative, that you carry from your past incarnated experiences on earth.
While the Sun reveals your intended purposes and lessons for this present life cycle, the MOON represents what you have already done and developed, hence, Michelle, what is instinctive and natural to you, and what you tend to do over and over again. Your childhood is also reflected in the Moon's placement, as it is through those childhood circumstances that any unresolved past-life issues are re-stimulated. Your subconscious predisposition is indicated by the Moon's position. It is the psychic imprint of the past. The nodes of the Moon describe behavior patterns from the past, as well as delineating a direction out of outworn or overdone behaviors and habits.
Moon in Aquarius:
You have a deep-seeded streak of unconventionality and an unwillingness to be bound by traditional stereotypes, rules, or authority imposed from outside yourself, so much so that you may feel conspicuously different or "from another planet" when in the company of people who do not question or think for themselves. This is a carry over from past life experiences in which you were very much outside the mainstream of society - a rebel, renegade, or heretic challenging the standards of the day and the orthodox ways of doing things. Stubbornly independent and recalcitrant, you refused to bow down to the powers that be and you still refuse to do so, at least internally. You may find that you threaten your superiors, because subconsciously you send the message that you will not defer or submit to anyone. Deep within you feel that all people are spiritual equals; you despise being dominated or having your freedom impinged upon. You can cooperate quite comfortably on a team or in a circle of equals; it is hierarchy and paternalistic authority you have trouble with.
You may find yourself discontented and emotionally unfulfilled in a conventional existence, Michelle, and thus need to experiment with alternatives and create your own patterns in the realm of sexual partnerships, family relationships, work, or general lifestyle. Traditional gender roles do not work for you (especially if you are female). You need to feel that whatever you do or give is done freely, and you balk when expectations and demands are placed upon you, or other people's should's and shouldn'ts.
You may also have an inordinate need for personal space and freedom, so that you shy away from making binding commitments, or trading away your independence for security. (You are also apt to have peculiar tastes or quirky idiosyncrasies involving your diet, or sleeping patterns, or other domestic habits. In some basic way you "dance to the beat of a different drummer". This is fine, but it may require flexibility and understanding on the part of the people you live with).
On an emotional level, Michelle, it is very hard for you to admit that you have needs, or that you need other people. Early in this life (and quite possibly stemming from past incarnations as well) you discovered it felt safer for you to detach yourself emotionally and to be self-sufficient. Your early nurturing may have been inconsistent, unreliable, or abruptly interrupted in some way, and an undertone of disruption, of being uprooted, of not knowing what to expect, may have permeated your earliest years. As a result, it may be difficult for you to stay emotionally connected to other people when you are feeling threatened. You may abruptly cut off contact and become rather distant, aloof and unaccessible when conflict or other uncomfortable emotions arise. You have learned to play it cool -often at the expense of your real emotions and needs. Also, you are essentially idealistic, forever trying to be fair, reasonable, and unselfish, and you will not allow yourself to express or even acknowledge that you feel possessive, or hateful, or any number of other very real, human emotions. If you succeed in burying those feelings, you will begin to act them out erratically and explosively when the internal pressure becomes too much.
In your deep subconscious memory, you may have little experience of stability or family in the traditional sense. You may become addicted to change and stimulation, having had to adapt rapidly fluctuating circumstances and many different types of people and settings. Now, Michelle, you may find that your closest emotional bonds are not based on blood, but on spiritual blood relatives. At times you may even be curiously indifferent to them. However, you do need a society brotherhood or community to share your life journey with, for you are really a "people person" and get a lot of nourishment from group support.
Moon Square Pluto:
This is a lifetime in which you have chosen to purge yourself of some deep psychic pain and some emotional refuse that you may have carried for quite a long time. Your most intimate relationships, especially with females and with family members are apt to be highly-charged, karmic affairs which churn up some very intense, primal feelings. Experiences of separation, loss, betrayal and abandonment, especially early in life, trigger memories of similar events in your incarnational past. You may find yourself over reacting to situations in the present, Michelle, and the vehemence of your feelings may seem excessive and irrational. From time to time, you are likely to get swept up in a tidal wave of emotion, the source of which may not be obvious to you. You equate closeness and emotional intimacy with fearful experiences from your past but you are compelled to seek out situations and people who will force you to re-experience much of your unresolved grief, and thus to finally release it. Emotional power struggles and subtle (and overt) attempts at emotional blackmail may be major themes in at least one significant relationship in your life.
You may be the black sheep in your family, Michelle, the one who brings to light some hidden aspect of your family life, discovering and delving into the skeletons in the closet. Periodic emotional crisis and catharsis are likely. You have an opportunity to use these times to greatly accelerate your growth, deepen your self knowledge and heal old wounds. It can be very helpful to find supportive friends during much times, for you tend to isolate yourself. Because of past trauma, you tend to fear emotional dependency or allowing yourself to admit how needy and vulnerable you are. At times, you feel like an insatiable child who can never get enough reassurance, comfort or nurturance. These feelings are difficult for you to admit. You may have very intense feelings about not having your own children (who would bring up all of these issues for you), or an equally deep, urgent desire to have them, in order to somehow give them the support and care you need yourself. Both past-life regression and psychotherapy, that addresses issues of the wounded "inner child", would most likely benefit you a great deal. Certain stones can also be worn or carried to help facilitate your process, including: amethyst, malachite, moonstone and watermelon tourmaline.
North Node in Taurus:
In your incarnational past, you tended toward intensity, passionate extremes, and radical solutions to your problems. Your growth direction now is to become more grounded in the physical world, Michelle, and committed to a work or a lifestyle that enables you to be more stable, reliable, and trustworthy.
North Node in 12th house:
You may find that your past tendencies are activated particularly in your job, the daily tasks you perform, and that it also strongly influences your health for good or ill. Exploring the deeper, hidden dimensions of yourself (through dream work, hypnosis) or purposefully engaging the parts of yourself you consider to be weak or unacceptable are also an important part of your growth direction in this lifetime.
Moon Conjunct Jupiter:
Previous lifetimes of wealth, ease and abundance, translate into your present life experience as a deep subconscious belief that there is always plenty and that you will always be taken care of. You have great faith in life's essential bounty and you basically expect to have a good time. From this springs your emotional charity and generosity, Michelle, but also possibly a certain laxness and improvidence which can contribute to certain problems, stemming from self indulgence, a disinclination for strenuous effort, or faith that the gods are always looking out for you, so you do not have to do it yourself! You may depend solely on divine intervention or just plain good luck.
Devotion to a religious path was also a significant part of your incarnational past. Quite possibly you were a figure of considerable importance and influence, such as the abbot of a large monastery or the equivalent in whatever culture or religion this experience occurred. Thus, Michelle, it feels natural for you to care for many people, to draw a large family circle around yourself, and to reach out, protect and share yourself with many people, as you have in the past.
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Chapter 2: The Sun
The Sun in your birth chart represents the primary creative thrust for this lifetime, those qualities you are to develop (or further develop) and express, and your current life focus. This may be in harmony with your instincts and your emotional habits, Michelle, or along completely different lines. The Sun represents your conscious identity in this lifetime.
Sun in Libra:
In this lifetime your guiding principle or underlying motivation is the golden mean, the ideal state of balance and symmetry, the moderate course that avoids extremes, the happy medium.
An essential aspect of your path involves bringing together and harmonizing opposing energies, finding a balance and a meeting point between them and creating bridges so that interrelationship is possible.
The concept of relationship is key, Michelle, whether it is the relationship of colors in a painting, between objects on the mantel piece, between nations or between two people. You have a highly developed sense of style, or harmonious arrangement, of correct, appropriate and beautiful relationships. Aesthetics are very important to you, in your surroundings, in people, in the manner in which things are done. You are artful (in both the positive and negative sense)in the way you approach life.
In your personal relations you excel in the art of compromise and diplomacy. Your subtle touch and fine tuning regarding what is needed to maintain harmony (or at least a continued flow of interaction between the two parties) serves you well in this regard. At your best, Michelle, you are thoughtful and considerate, tactful, sweet and impeccable in your manners. You view things from a "we" perspective rather than simply I/Me. However, your desire to create unity or maintain agreeable relations inclines you to avoid stating the naked truth if you think it will be unpopular. You may abhor conflict, and at your worst you will compromise the truth or your own integrity in order to avoid it, you can be artful in the sense of crafty machinating, and disingenuous. You can be charming in a manipulative way. Perhaps you do not out-and-out lie but you will prettify the truth to make it more acceptable, more palatable. Going solo is not your path in life, and because of your need for others (or at least one significant other), you may lack confidence of your own.
You are keenly aware of polarities, the yin/yang of life, and of "the other" (the other side of the coin, the other person, the other possibilities, the opposing point of view), and you have both the gift and the desire to blend the two), a synthesis which includes both opinions, in your own center. Your need for a consensus, and for others approval, can make you indecisive, uncertain of yourself, and disinclined to make waves. But although you will accommodate, and compromise a great deal, you do have a strong inner sense of fairness and balance. Reciprocity and equality in relationships are so important to you that you will usually take a stand when your sense of fairness is being violated.
An idealist at heart, Michelle, it is sometimes hard for you to accept that life is not always fair and that it has its dirty side, its ugliness. And the fact that you too have emotions and impulses that are not beautiful, or "nice" is something you find difficult to accept. You tend to hold yourself as well as others to a certain code of conduct, to your ideal image of how people should be, even when this does not correlate with reality. Emotional honesty is not your strong point. Seeking the ideal of love, harmony, and beauty and trying to live it is. Bringing people together, acting as a moderator or working public relations utilizes your strengths. With your concern for justice, and airing both sides of an issue, law may attract you. (Any field involving art or aesthetics does also). Behind any of these choices are the questions of balance and of blending or joining opposing forces - and these are your lifelong lessons.
You tend to define yourself in terms of the other person, and can lack a strong sense of self outside of your relationship to significant others.
Sun Square Neptune:
A high degree of spiritual perceptiveness and psychic sensitivity opens you to the intangible side of life. You may possess some unusual gifts, Michelle, such as, the ability to see auras or to "read" people intuitively, clairvoyantly, or the ability to channel healing energy, or a prodigious musical or artistic talent. Your imagination and capacity to create from images in your fantasies or dreams is one aspect of your giftedness. An awakened sense of unity with all other living things also engenders within you much compassion, gentleness and a desire to help or "save" them. Part of your soul mission is the further development and refinement of these gifts.
However, such sensitivity and openness is not without potential problems. Being aware (however subtly) of the vastness of life and of the spiritual dimension may lead you to abdicate personal responsibility for directing your own course in life ("let God do it", or "It's my fate"). Escapism, evasiveness and passivity in the face of challenges from the outside world are negative potentials. You can be too yielding, too gentle. Your assessment of yourself may also be unclear and less than accurate. Quite often you underestimate your own power to determine your life and your own abilities in other areas. When out of balance, Michelle, you tend to glamorize or overidealize yourself or others, to get caught up in some fantasy (without distinguishing between truth and fiction), to neglect your emotional and/or physical self for the sake of some dream or spiritual ideal, or to be naive and gullible and easily manipulated. There is some indication that a misunderstanding or mis-direction of spiritual energies in your incarnational past needs to be addressed and balanced out in your present cycle. It is especially important for you to be thoroughly grounded in the physical world, and especially to avoid mind or mood altering substances which could serve to distort your perceptions, confuse or destabilize you. Incorporating a regular, rhythmic pattern and some form of self discipline in your life will also enable you to use your imaginative and spiritual gifts to the fullest. Above all, Michelle, rigorous honesty with the self is required. It can also be helpful to get feedback and assistance from people who are mature, well-grounded, practical and effective in the world.
Sun conjunct Mercury in Libra:
Physical coordination, manual dexterity and a great deal of innate intelligence, even brilliance, are your gifts.
You also have a way of communicating that is clear and lively and full of energy, so that others want to hear what you have to say. However, Michelle, you may be so ego-involved with your ideas and opinions that you do not really take in, listen to, or perceive any other point of view. You may allow your rational mind to dominate your life-expression and find it difficult to relate to the world in any other way.
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Chapter 3: Rising Sign
The point that was on the eastern horizon at the moment of your birth is called the ASCENDANT, or rising sign. While the Sun describes your conscious direction and current life focus, and the moon your subconscious predisposition and past, the Ascendant indicates a way of being that transcends and embraces past, present, and future. It describes the way you engage and merge with the outer world and how you bring through into life the energies depicted by the sun, the moon, and the rest of your birth chart. Everything is filtered through the ascendant from an esoteric point of view. It indicates your soul's function and thus a key part of your destiny.
Gemini Rising:
Friendly, bright, curious, quick, restless, and highly verbal, you are a communicator. Your function is to be a MESSENGER, Michelle, a link or bridge between people and between ideas, whether through teaching or speaking, selling or simply circulating socially. You make connections.
Gemini Rising and Mercury in Libra:
Your ruling planet Mercury is in the aesthetic, diplomatic and judicial sign of Libra. In your communications you are concerned with good taste and good form, fairness and impartiality and facilitating harmony and understanding between people. You are a mediator. You understand and weigh all points of view. Your reluctance to take a decisive stand or to state your own mind regardless of outside opinions may earn you the reputation of being rather two-faced, however, Michelle, you love words and ideas for their own sake, they do not have to be especially practical or "good" for anything. You are also very social and humane and must work with or around people in order to fulfill your function.
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Chapter 4: Saturn, Your Achilles Heel
Karmically considered, the placement of Saturn in your birth chart indicates where your energetic blockages, weaknesses and fears lie, and the areas of your life where the most concentrated effort and discipline will be required to master and overcome them. Yet it also points to the aspects of life which can become your greatest strength if you are willing to face your fears and difficulties honestly, Michelle, and work with them patiently.
Saturn in Scorpio
You tend to get tied up in knots when it comes to surrendering, relinquishing control and letting yourself be seen for who you truly are. Problems in your sexual relationships or in any potentially deep, intimate relationship can grow out of this. You may also have sexual secrets, or feelings and desires that are difficult for you to discuss or even acknowledge because they seem to you taboo. You have a great fear of your emotional depths, your passion, your anger and other dark, "ugly" emotions that you imagine you have more than others do. However, Michelle, these intense feelings are not unique to yourself, and learning to accept rather than avoid or suppress them is crucial for you. Otherwise they are apt to erupt unexpectedly, or subtly poison your life. Understanding your jealousy, professional, sexual or otherwise may be one of your greatest lessons. If you are willing to journey deep within yourself and reclaim some of the most, denied aspects of your being, particularly your emotions, you will have great opportunities to transform yourself and to become a truly powerful individual. Patterns of hiding, withholding yourself, isolating yourself, being compulsively secretive and mistrusting others' motives may also need to be worked with. At your worst, Michelle, you could become paranoid and destructive either to yourself or others.
Saturn in 6th house:
For you, the interrelationship between work and health is a particularly crucial one, Michelle, and it is the arena through which many of your karmic imbalances or unresolved issues are addressed. You may suffer ill-health through overwork, especially if you feel guilty when you are not working. If you blame external circumstances and demands for the frustrations, and burdens your work entails, it may behoove you to examine just what you get (besides an income) from working so hard, or in such restrictive circumstances. On the other hand, you may get sick in part as a legitimate way of avoiding work or other pressing personal dilemmas. You also tend to greatly fear ill-health and, in a sort of vicious circle, open yourself up to disease through your anxiety about it.
Any congenital health problems or predispositions to certain inherited diseases or dysfunctions need to be dealt with patiently, compassionately and in-depth. For you, Michelle, problems in this area are an opportunity and a call to delve deeply into the hidden causes or deeper spiritual issues that arise as a result of a "physical" health challenge. (This is not to say you will have such problems, simply that if they occur, they usually reflect karmic patterns).
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Chapter 5: The Hard Aspects
The following is a description of your MAJOR LIFE CHALLENGES, Michelle, both in terms of energies you are to learn to develop and express in a positive way, and those which are the result of struggles and unresolved karmic issues that you have come into this life with.
Mercury Square Neptune:
Part of your purpose and challenge in life is to translate your particular vision and subtle sensitivity in to some form that speaks to others. You are attuned to the muse, Michelle, whether you are a musician, poet, artist, spiritual seeker or a psychically gifted counselor. Your mind does not function in a strictly logical, linear way and you may have difficulty ordering your life, understanding boundaries, or functioning in a defined and reliable way.
Your mind functions primarily in the world of images which can be either a rich source of creativity or a confusing maze of self-created fantasies. Learning to differentiate between dream and reality is imperative. Mental clarity and self-discipline, by strict avoidance of mind-altering substances, honesty with self and others, and seeking feedback from an objective person when you are feeling fuzzy or confused, is necessary in order to make the most of your gifts.
The phenomena of "channeling" is one you are very open to at your finest, Michelle, you will feel yourself to be a channel or conduit for "magic" to happen, artistically or otherwise.
Mars Quincunx Jupiter:
You have broad, expansive goals and will not be content with humble achievements or success on a small scale. Enthralled with the joy of the conquest, Michelle, your desires and enthusiasm may gallop away with you. You often do not know when you have had or done enough. Many things do come easily to you , athletics, leadership, creative efforts of all kinds, and you are apt to have king Midas's touch, especially early in life. However, this may lead to overconfidence or inflated expectations later on. In your work, you are apt to be an overachiever. An overemphasis on physical and/or sexual adventure. And once again not knowing when to stop or say no, can be your downfall.
Jupiter is Retrograde:
Moral concerns (including lingering unresolved issues stemming from a prior lifetime or lifetimes in which you exercised poor judgment in moral, ethical or religious matters) come into play here. Thus, it is especially important for you to maintain high standards while pursuing your aspirations.
Jupiter Square Pluto:
Part of your life mission involves learning how to generate and direct a great leap of power, material, political, social or spiritual power. You have a gift for spiritual or intellectual leadership. As an agent of transformation in your world, Michelle, you are intended to help regenerate social or religious institutions and to effect profound change and growth in the people around you. There are karmic pitfalls involved in all of this, however. First, is the tendency to become infatuated with power and/or inflated with a sense of your own greatness. Secondly, conflicts with those in power and resulting loss in social standing or reputation. Putting yourself against the big guys and losing, is always a risk you will have to take if you are to fulfill your natural role and function. Past incarnations in which this did in fact take place, may leave you now with a fear or disregard of government, the church or other great authorities. Thus, you may have a struggle accepting you role as a leader or teacher, and/or integrating with society as it currently exists.
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Chapter 6: Soft Aspects
The following is a description of your GIFTS and STRENGTHS which can help you as you work with your major life challenges. These are abilities and qualities of heart, mind and soul which are quite natural to you. You probably take them for granted. Because these represent the lines of least resistance for you, Michelle, you may rely too much upon them at times; hence, there are some cautions suggested. Still, these are the areas where good flows into your life and/or where you have considerable inner resources.
Moon Trine Mercury:
Your ability to communicate in a personal, sympathetic manner, and to sense and take into account others' moods and feelings is one of your gifts. Because you are interested in others' personal stories and are a good listener, Michelle, you draw people out and may find yourself the confidante or personal advisor to many. You are also apt to be the sounding board, mediator, or messenger between members of your family. You have natural counseling abilities and innate psychological insight.
You also understand the public temperament and have a sixth sense regarding mass psychology and social trends. The capacity and desire to educate the public and to personally interact with the public is also evident.
You may take your writing abilities, and your knack for learning languages and using words for granted. However, Michelle, if you put any effort at all into tapping these skills, you might be surprised at how natural and easy it comes to you.
Venus Trine Neptune:
You are highly sensitive and receptive to beauty. You love art, beautiful music, harmony and love in all its forms. You have delicate feelings and intuitively understand others through compassion. Thus, Michelle, you naturally want to help, to give, to alleviate suffering where you can, and not just for people, but for all creatures. Your love naturally is inclusive, all embracing and unconditional. This pattern in you bespeaks of considerable spiritual evolvement and refinement. You are one who can walk and talk with the angels. Perhaps the only drawback here is that you are easily bruised, and it is difficult for you to endure harshness, prolonged conflict and other "earthly" conditions.
Venus Sextile Pluto:
You are able to project love with great depth and great feeling, and through your personal magnetism and power of attraction (which is considerable) you can influence others in a remarkable way. You instinctively know what people need and want, and how to give it to them. You also exude sexuality and affect people often without realizing it. Beware of using "it" in a dishonorable way.
On another level, Michelle, you are extremely fortunate and resourceful financially. You have a way with money and with developing and using all of the resources that are available to you.
Also, your creativity and artistic powers are unusual. You have a special giftedness combined with a passion for beauty, and can craft some unusual, compellingly attractive creations.
Neptune Sextile Pluto:
Collectively, Michelle, this is a time in history that enables you and those of your generation to advance spiritually through a heightened awareness of the invisible and intangible realms. A rebirth of spirituality through direct contact with higher forces is occurring in this generation. This contact takes many, many forms, including a compelling interest in life beyond death. You may or may not have a personal involvement with this, as it is a group karma rather than a primarily personal one.