God fucking damnit

Nov 30, 2009 03:41

Its been almost another month since ive wrote again..
i really want to get back into habit of this..

the last thing i wrote about was how i was going to hard haunted mansion on halloween and i had on uneasy feeling about it and didnt even really want to go...
I didnt end up going to Hard Haunted Mansion
For the first time in my raving life (lol) i turned down a rave and sold my ticket (and got 100$ for it might i add which is a 30 dollar profit) and saved it for something more worth while (my credit card bill) even though everybody was going.
I was really proud of myself, and still am. It sounds pretty pathetic to you guys probably.. but that was big for me.
I always say "oh i should save money and just pass on this", or tell myself im not gunna go, but i end up caving in and going and spending the money.
This time i didnt. Even when Amanda decided to go to Monster Massive instead of Hard which is the rave i actually wanted to go to... and on top of that, maryam went as well. which normally in that situation wouldve been like.. okay well fuck it now i have to go.........
But i didnt =] On top of that this rave happened to be on Halloween, a holiday for partying. and what did responsible becky do instead?????????? She went to midoris house and took her beloved nieces trick or treating =] aaaaaaaaaand went to bed around 1 in the morning. Yeah, Go me. I made the right decision for once:]

Anyways thats old news now..

Newer[ish] news..
Manny is in prison... has been for over a month already and will be till right after christmas.
got pulled over for something minor and they found a knife which my sister or mark had left in the car.. and violated his probation..
long story short the cop wrote a bunch of bullshit on the report and made it way worse then it was because of a grudge already on my sister...which is why he was probably really pulled over in the first place, (recognized the car)

but ya me and lisa are thrilled and are hoping she finds someone new in this time, haha. manny is an asshole.
ohhhhhh, and
Midori is enlisting in the army????? Yeah... I know.. Wtf...
Dont even want to get into that, it makes me sick to my stomach..

Thalia is now 4 years old as of Novemeber 3rd..... thats a mind fuck!
Lily is now at the age where she doesnt disgust me. Too bad thalia got fancy with scissors while midori wasnt watching on friday and gave her a mohawk in the front.. -.- lol.. its so bad........hahaha
and isabella is crawling so fast and shes really strong she can pull herself up on things to stand up.

Thanksgiving was good
my family failed on actuall thanksgiving day so i went to tricias, i'm glad.
we did thanksgiving onfriday, it was okay... then iwent and hung out with amanda and erick...
then yesterday i went to a party with midori and her friends paola and diego... it was fun, but weird.
midori is doing a lot of partying and stuff while manny is in jail.. trying to embrace the single life for a while lol.. diego is trying to convince her to leave manny and marry him and all this stuff lmao... its comedy..
my family is so fucked up.

Im really excited for winterfresh on saturday, so many amazing djs and i love the venue, and so many people ive been missing are going..
i think its gunna be amazing. <3

Oh and i registered for next semester
im taking spanish, math, and 2 classes of graphic design.
i might change it though to 1 class of graphic design and 1 of something else..
i just want to try out the waters in more stuff,
ive tested art, psychology, sociology, now its time for graphic design.
i dont know what the fuck i want to do but i think i would really like that and be good at it.
im not in a rush to find out, i know im still young
but i really want to get it over with
im gunna be stuck at saddleback forever at this rate, lol.
oh well at least im doing something, and not being totally unproductive.

i was scared for a long time i was gunna fail american government this semester i thought i was like EPICALLY FAILING turns out i have a B..... idk how the hell i did it but i did.
im doing well in all my other classes to, so thats good. yay me.

its fucking 4 in the morning now and i have a huge speech to do tomorrow, well i guess today.. thats due tuesday. im not excited,
hopefully i dont sleep alllllllllllll fucking day. im gunna set my alarm for noon.

peace out my nigs!
oh and
For old times sake...

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