Bymyself Allnighter

Jun 09, 2009 05:14


yay its 5 in the morning, and im still awake.
sitting on my computer! woo(:
i got netflix free for a month.. and tomorrow i get my first 2 movies in the mail=]
yes man because my mom hasnt seen it yet and also personal effects which stars my husband ashton kutcher, and i havent seen it yet.

but yeah also on netflix (which i didnt know until last night) you can watch certain movies online unlimited its like 'on demand' but on ur computer! its cool! most of the blockbusters and movies everybody wants too see arent available, but some are..and then theres plenty of old movies, and random movies, and lots of indie movies to watch.. i fucking love it! when i get a job im subscribing for netflix fo sho. if u thought i was a movie buff and have seen a ridicuously large amount of movies before, im taking it to a new level this month. woohoo. 
tonight i watched.. 'henry poole is here' and 'love and other disasters'.

henry poole was interesting and i liked it i guess luke wilson was the main guy but i mainly watched it cuz it said it was a dark humor/black comedy and those are my favorite.. TOTALLY not what genre it was.. it was like an odd/feel good/drama.. definitely not a black comedy so i was kinda disapointed, but for what it IS i enjoyed it, for the most part..

love and other disasters was ADORABLE:] i reaaally liked it.  i watched it cuz netflix said it had britanny murphy orlando bloom and gwenyth paltrow.. and i thought "what the hell, those are all really famous people why have i never heard of it?" turns out its a british romantic comedy starring brittanny murphey and some random guys ive never heard of or seen, and orlando bloom and gwen only have literally about 45 seconds in the movie...  haha so tonight i have come to find out netflix is rather misleading! lol but besides the point IT WAS SO CUTE! XD i really liked it.. its about her and this guy who she thinks is gay and her gay best friend  who shes trying to set up with eachother but she doesnt know the one guy isnt gay and that hes actually in love with her..... it sounds kinda retarded but its fucking adorable. and brittanny murphy is good, although its weird hearing her with a british accent 0.o but u get used to it.

ANYWAYS i doubt any of  u actually read that.. and if u did thanks! but im mainly just trying to keep occupied. :] ill probably watch something else now.. haha..

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