Jul 16, 2010 00:23
Hi there,
Tonight is a diary night. I can't stop composing an entry in my head (and crying, my excess emotions always come out that way, it's annoying, but expected).
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow make it officially a month until I leave. Going to Ohio, where the green grass grows (and freezes). I'm scared to death at the moment.
I'm not ready, yet. I probably will be when the time comes, but first I have to weather the fear. I also have to study my cute little arse off to get ready. I'm taking grad school more seriously than anything else in my life previous to this. I'm actually doing more than planning for it and letting those plans stagnate.
It's astonishing to watch the results when you put a plan into action. One of my plans was to get tutors for my entrance exams. Behold! It has been accomplished. Did it work out the way I thought it would? Sorta, not really. I thought I would study more. Check, on my own precious little would have been done. With tutors, I have someone to please, be accountable to. At the very least, something is happening. I'm not currently studying enough in History, and so I "fired" my tutor. Definitely wasn't expecting either thing, there. Maybe that is what set me off tonight.
Theory is sort of the same way: I'm definitely not studying enough, but my tutor is still pushing me along by main force. I hope to accelerate both subjects these last weeks. Strike that, I'm actively planning/going to/will pick up the pace in my studies this last month. It's not only necessary, it's decided.
Another plan that actually worked out was applying to grad school in the first place. I'm still rather amazed it happened, but quite happy to take credit for the results, if not the methods by which I arrived at them.
After that, I don't know if I should go on, but I feel like it, so onto...
Knitting: When we went to Kansas to check out the school there, my mother and I went to a really cool yarn store. At my urging, mom picked out some sock yarn. I've started those, at long last. I'm finally past the heel on the first one, and since then it's been remarkably easier to deal with. Having 64 stitches of lace versus 32 stitches of lace and 32 of knitting really makes a difference. In all likelihood, I'm going to finish these before I leave. That is, if the massive amounts of studying I plan to do don't derail that plan.
Until next time (still reading?),
Deepgreen18, aka Elizabeth