Nov 22, 2006 01:05
Nobody wanted to see that tag used again, did they?
We just got back from Howard Co. General. >_<*
Harle had been having attacks of tachycardia and heart palpitations on and off for about a week. They mostly went away this weekend, but then came back Monday. When he woke up today, he had a very long attack combined with an extremely painful headache, so the decision was made to go into the ER and have everything looked at. They did chest x-rays and an ECG, and there was no sign of anything serious, so their best guess is that it was caused by a)too much coffee and b)too much stress. We're still waiting for the results of the thyroid test, but for now they're having him cut down to 2 cups a day and gave him a take-as-needed Xanax prescription.
It's been a healthy couple of years.