
Jan 22, 2010 12:45

[[backdated to earlier in the week, so as to give people more than a day's notice...]]

as someone once said over this very journal network, ANGST IS NOT HOW WE SHOULD ROLL. with that in mind:

saturday, january 23
8pm to whenever we all go home the next day
main gauche basement

open to anyone who considers themselves a girl, of any age and description -- and i do mean any.

there will be pizza! and popcorn! and sugar galore! also, sparkly nail polish, chick-flicks, movies that aren't chick flicks but are well-endowed with the pretty, and all the fluffy girl-talk you could ever want, about boys, girls, whoever we think is cute, whatever we think is fun, WHATEVER. this can range from boy bands to books to unarmed combat techniques. girly does not always mean vapid, people, though there is nothing wrong with the boys-and-clothes side of things. ♥

boys (again, this is totally self-selecting -- if you think you're a boy, you are), fear not. if you wish to get in on the girly shenanigans, just find a girl to vouch for you, and you're in, on the condition you abandon all your boy-issues at the door and consent to being one of the girls for a night. yes, this means submitting yourself to the sparkly nail polish. it is happy girly funtime, so if you want in the clubhouse, you play by our rules. nyah!

(if your current gender doesn't fit either of these categories, you're welcome, too! if this statement confuses you, drop me a line. we'll talk.)

+ if you cause trouble, expect to have your ass ejected. that includes perving on someone who doesn't want to be perved on, boy, girl, or otherwise; or just generally sketching people out. you make people uncomfortable, and you're out the door.
+ on that note, as much as there will be shenanigans, there will be people under 18 in attendance, so let's keep our shenanigans PG-13 or below. got it?
+ there is a dress code. you will wear jammies, pjs, whatever you call what you sleep in. if you sleep naked, read the rule above and get some damn jammies. a t-shirt and boxers is totally acceptable. things that look like they belong on a porn set are not.
+ homophobes and other intolerant fuckwits are emphatically NOT INVITED. if you can't deal with the gay, you don't want to be here anyway. some of us girlyfolks like to talk about cute girls as much as we like to talk about cute boys, or instead of cute boys, and that is totally okay. same goes for anything else you might find weird about someone, so long as it's not hurting people. this ain't your usual popular-girls-only kind of slumber party.
+ rsvp, people. if only so your hostess knows how much pizza to order. (and if you've got any dietary restrictions i should know about, let me know. i promise, there will be something for you to eat.) if you don't have something to sleep on or in (sleeping bag, random pile of bedding, whatever), same deal: let me know and we'll work something out.

journal, public

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