Oct 24, 2004 01:02
Think about everything you know.
think of how you live your life,
what you do,
what you think,
and how you act.
Now picture a friend. how do you think he lives his life.
THink of who he is. What character he plays in this life.
What do you think he does when he goes home.
How do you suppose he gets ready for bed.
DO you think you do the same?
how do u soppose the world is like living each person's daily ways.
when does he think its time to go shopping,
or how he pays the bills
or how he lives and fews life.
Does anyone live the same way as you? do you think anyone wakes up the same as you, with wath you do.
how do you thinlk anyone you know prepare yourslef for the next day.
Lifes a big play.
And each of us,
altough every thing just feels perfect,
how different we all are.