Do Not Trust This Man

Jul 21, 2008 12:57


Hoi. Name's Arist, but I go by ravensmuse in most places on the 'net. I'm a long time reader of Shadowrun, but only recently have I been able to play / run it. I've been involved with SR since around the Dunkelzahn's Will / Bug City era of Shadowrun (so, mid-way through 2nd, I think?) reading what I can, digesting what I can. I've been on Dumpshock for about two years now, but I'm a big time lurker.

I run 4th Edition, as it's clean, simple, and easy to use / teach. I've got a small group with my girlfriend and niece based in Boston, which is also where they run. I love the possibilites that Shadowrun gives you - it's not just a game about cops and robbers, it's a game where you could start out a campaign as a group of rookie magicians building a place for themselves in the Sixth World - and I really dig that.

Thusly, most of the stuff I'll be posting will be from the perspective of the Boston sprawl shadowrunning community. I've got a lot of ideas in my head for stuff (because I'm kind of trying to write a netguide for running the Boston shadows) - lots of interesting, out of the blue kind of stuff. So far the only "character" I've got is Cassiel, a recently Emerged ex-pop star technomancer based off of Britney Spears'  (don't ask, don't tell ;)) but there's a lot of npc potential too.

I'm really happy that this group was created - maybe it'll help stretch the old writer's muscles again :)
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