How A Heart Breaks-Chapter Twenty Six

May 13, 2008 02:20

Title: How A Heart Breaks
Rating: PG-NC-17
Disclaimer: Don't know, don't own, never happened.
Summary: They met, they fell in love, they learned to know better.

Finally, finally, we had come to prom night. At first, I had said that I wasn’t going. Couldn’t go. I invented all manner of reasons to stay home. I had too much homework, I couldn’t afford to rent a tux, I couldn’t afford a ticket, and my mother needed me to do some chores for her.
None of them were true, of course, but who needed to know that?
Three weeks before the big night, I was lying on my bed, not really reading a book. I heard someone come inside, someone speak to my mother and then come upstairs.
I groaned, not bothering to pretend to quit reading. The door opened, and in came my best friend, dreadlocks and all. He was wearing a mysterious smile, the sort of smile he got around Christmas and birthdays.
“Get up,”
“Why?” I grumbled.
“We’re going to the mall.”
“Why?” I closed the book and looked at him.
“Because there’s just enough time for you to pick out a tux. It won’t be too hard for them to fit you. And then we have to go pick out a pair of shoes, and I was thinking you might want to get a haircut. It is a little bit early, but it’ll grow out a bit before then so everyone won’t think you got it cut just for prom.” Lily was rambling while I stared at him as though he was stupid.
“I told you that I can’t afford a tux. I can’t even afford a ticket!” I sat up now, glaring at him. How could he forget these things?
“Already taken care of.” With a flourish, my best friend presented me with a ticket. I swallowed and accepted the cream colored envelope with shaking hands. I could feel my lower lip trembled.
“And Gas and everyone else you hang out with agreed to split the cost of your tux.”
“Lily…” I swallowed again. “I can’t accept that from you.”
“You can and you will. In fact, you already have. Now come on.” He tugged at my hand. I stayed rooted to the spot on my bed.
“I can’t go,” I told him flatly.
“Why?” he demanded, finally fed up. “Why can’t you go? Will you tell me that?”
“Because Bam is going to be there!” I blurted out. Lily went silent. He sank down to sit next to me, cupping my chin in his hand.
“Kulta, this is your senior prom. You can’t let him ruin that.”
“I just-I don’t think I can do it. I don’t think I can get all dressed up and pretend to be having the time of my life while he sits across the room. I can feel his eyes boring straight into me even at school. I know I won’t be able to dance.”
“Who said that you’re going to have to pretend to have a good time?” Lily stood up, wearing a smile again.
“After all, I’m going to be your date.”
“What about Ariana?” she was a girl he had been seeing off and on our whole high school career. He shrugged.
“She’s not as important to me as you. Besides, she said she’d rather go with a big group of people anyway. I’ll meet up with her there and dance with her, why not.” I looked at my best friend.
“I love you, Lily.”
“I love you, too, Ville.” He brushed a kiss against my forehead. “Now come on, we’ve got to get to the mall.”

sad, smut, vam

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