Title: How A Heart Breaks
Rating: PG/NC-17
Disclaimer: Don't know, don't own, it didn't happen.
Summary: They met, they fell in love, they learned to know better.
Bam booted up his system and spent a few minutes checking his Myspace and e-mail. I pretend that I wasn’t trying to read the various messages he had. After all, I wasn’t here to be nosy; I was here to get a project done.
Finally, he opened the program for video editing.
“I think we really ought to watch the whole thing, and then you can decide what you really want to take out and keep in. That sound good?” Bam looked at me.
He sounded… friendly, almost. I was almost ready to grab his shoulders and shake. The Bam I knew didn’t act like this, and it was frankly quite scary. So I just nodded as he plugged the proper cords from the camera into his computer.
“I only have one set of earphones. Don’t mind sharing, do you?” he offered me an ear bud. Of course I didn’t. More often than not, he had a song he wanted to play for me in some class, or I commandeered an ear bud from him.
I slipped the device into my ear. I’ve always had difficulty with the things. We were forced close together, and somehow, his arm ended up around my shoulder, my knee pressing into his, my head resting on his shoulder.
I was blissfully lost in the contact, not really listening to the audio of my own voice, nor watching myself flickering across his computer screen. Suddenly, I remembered how much he hated being touched and jumped back.
“Hey, hey,” he said softly. “You’re okay.” I settled myself back onto his shoulder and was concentrating on the feeling of his fingers playing with the ends of my hair.
“Do you want to try it?”
“Try what?” I pulled back from him again to look at him, raise my eyebrow in confusion.
Try sushi? Try kissing? Try parachuting? The boy had a very bad habit of not making himself clear. I didn’t want to make any assumptions, because Bam would think I was insane if I said what he wasn’t thinking of. It was like he expected me to be a mind reader, to know what he was talking about at all times.
I had an idea what he was talking about, but I didn’t dare let myself believe it. I knew how crushed I would be if I turned out to be wrong. I couldn’t stand to be wrong if I let myself say it out loud.
Later, he would accuse me of being dense. I knew though that I wasn’t the only one who had these issues with him.
“You know,” he gestured with his hand, waving it between the two of us as though to imply a connection. I knew my eyes lit up. I also knew this was a time to play it cool, but I couldn’t quite do that.
My heart was beating about a thousand times a second, and I was going lightheaded.
“Really?” I breathed.
“Really,” he said just as softly.
“Yes,” I whispered. And before I could stop myself, I was leaning towards him and pressing my mouth against his.