Oct 05, 2006 08:42
This week of the Bible Study was about joy. We learned about our sources of joy and the types of joy. First and foremost we have joy because we have salvation. Luke 10: 17-20 The end of verse 20 states "…rejoice that your names are written in heaven." Second we find joy in discovering the promises of God. Luke 10:21 "At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy spirit said, `I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure.'" Day three brought the forth the source of joy in restoration. Psalm 71:20, 23 "Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again… My lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to you." The first 3 days were good and then it got intense. The fourth source of joy is in His abiding joy. "To remain with Christ means to cling to Him, to refuse to be budged under pressure, to never allow loss to cause us to leave."
John 15:11 states, "I have told you this so that my joy may be complete." The last day was the most emotional for me. It was experiencing the joy of fellow believers. "We are catalysts of joy for one another!" Of course Beth has to make everything personal and she asked what believers we find joy in being with, then of course she asked what were the things you do with them that brings you the most joy. At this point I am crying my eyes out as I remember, picnics at the park, you guys cleaning my house, lunches at Chick-fil-a, Bible studies, swim lessons, dance clinic, VBS, movie nights (including those at Ronna's)… the memories just started flooding in. "Dear Friend, how boring and mediocre our lives would be if we were surrounded only by the stereotypical persons with whom we feel comfortable. Branch out! Make friends and relationships of different colors, different economic persuasions, different backgrounds, even different denominations!" Well that was us! Except for color, but we did represent every shade of hair! lol "People are searching for a joy which comes from the inside. And if you got it, you can be sure people will be asking you how they can get it!" Sisters, I can't tell you how many people want a group like ours. Even when I mention it to others, there is a sense a longing in their eyes.
Man, that longing is there for me now!! I miss you guys. I have to get Gerald to help me schedule a trip to see you.
Joyfully remembering you,
beth moore