The last two days have been made of tears and vomit. URGH. I saw a physio on Monday and she beat the crap out of me (I have BRUISES) but it did actually help and she showed me exercises and stuff for straightening me out. Drama on Wednesday when I could hardly stand and managed to drag myself round the surgery to register with a doctor and the "computer says no" receptionist said I couldn't register unless I got my NHS number from my old surgery even though I'd asked them already and they said they weren't allowed to give it...?! She made me ring them and ask again in front of her like she thought I was making it up and they said AGAIN they couldn't give it to me and she should be able to sort it, so I passed all that on and she huffed and started typing really angrily. ?! You couldn't have just done that in the first place without all the mardy attitude? Managed to get an appointment for the afternoon and a prescription for codeine and something I can't remember the name of, which worked great for the rest of Wednesday and Thursday morning but by the afternoon I was high as a kite and not in the good way, couldn't see straight or walk straight and then threw up all over the toilet floor and wall at work. OOPS. So close! Better the wall than a £90K painting I suppose. I felt a bit better once it was out and managed a weird trippy nap in the break room, then got a lift home with my mum which usually takes about twenty minutes but there was a crashed lorry and crazy traffic so it took over an hour and AGAIN SO CLOSE - about two streets away from mine it hit again and BLOODY CHILD LOCKS I COULDN'T OPEN THE DOOR TO PUKE OUTSIDE so I'm sobbing like a panicked toddler and my mum's screaming SICK IN THIS!! grabbing a random carrier bag from the back seat but oops too late, projectile vomit all over the dashboard and carpet and gearstick and my clothes and my hair and my mum and the very last tiny bit into the bag. Then she went "oh fuck that was my lunch for tomorrow" and there's me rolling around in puke laughing and crying and burping and covered in snot and acid. I am never taking pills ever again, I don't care what for. Never been sick like that in my life, not even when I got food poisoning or my drink spiked. Felt like my entire digestive system hanging inside-out from my mouth. Slept about twelve straight hours and feel ok today, just exhausted and my voice has gone all Marianne Faithfull which sadly isn't as hot as it should be. Annoyingly (sort of) my back's a bit better now. I stayed off painkillers today just to see if I could manage, even the rubbish supermarket paracetamol, and it's still excruciating when I move wrong but just about bearable. The physio said sit on an exercise ball instead of a desk chair when I'm at work and that seems like it's really helping too, just staying in motion seems to keep everything from seizing up too much.
I've had nothing since yesterday lunchtime except a few dry crackers and several gallons of ginger tea, but I just braved a scrape of hummus and a banana and no gastro acrobatics so looks like everything's settling back to normal.
Weekend plans: finish making party invitations and the headband/tiara thing for my Theda Bara costume. I've ended up going with a dress I never intended...?! I bought this because I loved it (sequin heaven *_* AMAZING) but when my mum saw it she assumed it was my costume so I think I'm going with it because I'm way more comfortable in it than I am in the one I intended to wear. It's about a million miles away from accurate but OH WELL. Close enough, and I think the hair/makeup/mask/jacket thingy matter more if I'm aiming for that particular picture (and most people who are going don't know who she is anyway so I can pretty much wear what I like and they'll have to trust me :P)
Impossible to take a decent full length photo of yourself but this is it: