Hawaii Five-0 / White Collar: beta request

Mar 17, 2012 12:14

Hey guys,

the current 'fusion' challenge at h50_flashfic gave me an instant plot bunny: Danny as Peter and Steve as Neal, with other H50 characters playing the other White Collar parts. I've written it as a re-imagining of the WC pilot, but with even more snark and slashy subtext.

Thing is, I want this to be comprehensible to H50 fans who've never seen WC (and who maybe don't know anything about the show's plot, either). So would anybody who fits that description be willing to look it over before I post, please?

I don't need a beta, per se, although I'd be grateful if you could point out any errors you notice. Just a quick read-through to ensure it can stand alone as a story without prior knowledge.

The story is 3,500 words, and the challenge will probably close at the end of this weekend. So I'd need this back in about 48 hours, i.e. Sunday evening, EST. If that sounds doable and you'd like to help, please comment here or email me at deepbluemermaid at yahoo dot com. Thanks in advance :)

hawaii 5-0, fandom, fic

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