Apr 13, 2010 21:58
For the sake of keeping track, a page for Chris' verses.
[R E B I R T H]: An AU in which the events of (and leading up to) RE4 and RE5 do not happen. Just for the hell of it. Umbrella has yet to entirely crumble, Chris is still working with the remainder of his ex-S.T.A.R.S. team in an anti-Umbrella activities group of sorts. A great deal of his time is devoted to tracking down Umbrella facilities, trying to head off transactions for B.O.W.s, sabotaging research... He is actively trying to track down Albert Wesker (and as an extention - mainly for his sister's peace of mind - Steve Burnside) and Ozwell Spencer.
[F I V E]: Merely taken anywhere from pre- to post-Resident Evil 5. It follows the current canon timeline.
still under construction
Always willing to start separate plots with others. If you're interested, comment. Chances are, I may try to drag you into something if you're reading this anyway.
|verse|: five,
|misc|: reference,
|verse|: rebirth