May 29, 2016 19:06
Sometimes I miss LJ.
Not enough to do the whole "I'm totally coming back and making this part of my routine again!" before disappearing two weeks later thing. But I do miss it. How it used to be, with comments and new posts to read everywhere you looked. I met a lot of cool people here, both with this journal and with my previous one. Most of them either added me on Facebook or vanished off into their own storylines. Interactions on LJ, however, always had a different quality or tone, something never quite matched elsewhere.
"Come back and help make it the way it used to be," some might say, but I'm pretty sure that ship has sailed. Long-form personal blogging with built-in interactivity and community was the perfect fit for me, for a solid dozen years, but the internet as a whole seems to be over it. I'm pretty sure I couldn't find the time and energy to write long form entries again, for that matter. But I feel sentimental about it all.
How are you doing?