(no subject)

Jul 13, 2008 09:16

We have no water at my house today. I have no clue what we're going to do about it. My dad is coming out look at the water pump, but if he can't fix it, I'll have to shell out some big bucks to get it fixed. I can't even flush the toliet. Sometimes I wished I lived in a townhouse, where I wouldn't have to cut grass, have curb-side trash pickup, and be fully hooked into sewer/water. I have a thousand things that need to be done around this house, and I still have to plan for next week during summer school. If I get all dirty outside, I can't take a shower since we're water-less. I'm making curry (the kind you make from a box on the stove top) for the sixth graders, since they're studying India. But I can't do that because it requires WATER and cleaning up the pots take WATER.


Trying to decide on a theme for next year in the classroom. I'm leaning towards a luau theme, but I worry that it will not be acceptable for year-round display. Any thoughts on the tackiness of keeping luau theme up year around?

To cover desks that I use for the pencil shapener and the homework tray.

To hang in the door way.

To put around the book cases in the reading center.

I might get three of these to put over the three windows in my classroom.

Lights that would go in the doorway.

Inflatable palm trees for the reading center.

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