Apr 17, 2009 09:18
Recently, there's been a lot of talk about the former US regime's torture abroad of suspected threats against national security.
The reality is that nothing could be more un-American, un-democratic, and immoral than becoming a nation that allows these atrocities to occur.
The question I hear misguided Republicans ask the most is, "if your daughter could be saved by torturing an Arab would you hesitate?". The real question is, "if my daughter was tortured by Arabs because they suspected it could save one of their children would I tolerate it?"
No! No! No! I would not allow my child to be tortured by another country that merely suspected them of being associated with a extremist group.
My grandpa was tortured during WWII by the Japanese he was fighting. If I am going to accept that it is OK to kill individuals merely suspected of planning an attack on another country, I must accept that it was right that my grandpa and countless other Americans were tortured during wars in our nations past.
No! No! No! We cannot allow ourselves to regress to the point where we allow and even encourage torture.
One final argument I keep hearing, "they would not hesitate to torture is if they had the opportunity."
Probably true, but some terrorists would also strap a bomb to their chests and destroy a bus full of innocent Americans. Should that be our next tactic?
No! No! No!
To continue to allow ourselves to learn our morality from these pieces of shit only furthers the shame history will surely record concerning this sad practice.
Thank you President Obama for having the moral fibre to stand against this travesty. The moral among us appreciate it.