Jul 01, 2006 12:48
Well, hello everyone I haven't talked to since last month at least. That is really sad. So, here's my official statement for the day:
And I'm not ditching you or ditching LJ completely, though I'm not going to be on LJ much anymore. Reason? How about full-time job? It's a volunteer job, yes, but it's 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Tough. And guess what? Yesterday (nearing the end of the work day, measuring fish out on a lake) I got sick. When we got back to the shore, I was feeling really bad. And getting just out to the road, I had to stop and throw up. And twice more coming home. Yuck yuck yuck. Then at home I was in bed, couldn't sit up, had crackers and water and fell half-asleep between hearing random comments on the phone with Martin about a video game, and reviving my voice each time to respond with a "hm" or something because my voice was gone gone gone. I was really sick and I felt awful and it was way too hot in my room. So! This morning, I got up and I had slept peacefully all night and except for a headache which I still haven't shaken off, I feel okay. I feel fine actually. So that's absolutely good. And I hope Halley can still come over tonight because I really would like that!!! And then I will get to see Martin on Sunday which is tomorrow!!! He has been the nicest person in the world, especially while I was sick. (I love you Martin!!) And I am not afraid to say it anymore. I mean he was on the phone with me for like an hour while he was playing video games even though he was perfectly entertained on his own, and we weren't saying very much because I literally couldn't, but he has been the nicest person ever. Oh, and my dad crashed his bike on the way to work, blew out a tire, close to home thank goodness, and had to go to the hospital. He bumped his head hard, cut and bruised his leg up to earn him big bandages, and his collarbone is broken again so his arm is in a sling. But he's pleasant (thank goodness for the painkillers) and joking with us. I am so glad my dad is going to be okay, and he's actually dealing with it pretty well. Trauma, yep, I have a reason to be freaked out but somehow I'm calm right now. Somehow I wasn't freaked out at all this weekend, except for the instant I found out about Dad. Yep, it's weird, but life is good. Optimism? Maybe. I got enough sleep for once, yay, so that's probably all I needed.
Again, Love You All!!!