This is an Official Competition!
I've had so many nice people asking for the chance to
fuck my ass I thought I'd oblige. Tell me (in graphic
detail please!) exactly how you would like to
fuck me in the ass. Be creative, be naughty, be nasty,
but tell me all, exactly how you'd like to violate my
anus. Don't worry girls, sodomy isn't restricted to
a big dick, so, like I said, be creative!
* * * Post all responses here in this forum * * *
The winner will receive, by private email, one,
genuine picture of my ass (courtesy of a digital
camera borrowed from work).
Let the games begin!
All those with sufficently perverted minds are elligible.
The prize is non-transeferable under penatly of a sever ass-beating.
The winner of the contest in no way gets to actually fuck my ass, unless
I decide that I can't resist your offer. All entries are the property
of the writer and cannot be used by me or anyone else for any purpose other
than personal pleasuring. This contest is copywrite of Deep Pleasure
Industries, Ltd. Dallas, TX and cannot be repeated without sending me an
email detailing exactly how they will fuck my ass. My ass and
all foreign objects inserted into it are also the property of Deep Pleasure
Industries, Ltd. Dallas, TX and are certainly non-transeferable
(at least not without a thorough cleaning). Please enter and enjoy...