Ok, something really freaky happened two days ago but i wanted to wait till we had a better understanding of what this thing actually was.
Monday: I wake up and start dragging my legs along the floor as i'm trying to wake up. I managed to make my way safely to the bathroom without falling over. My mum is outside and she says "I want to show you something" So i walk in behind her and she sits on the toilet. I sit on this little seat thing we have in there. She says to me "Look at the shower rug, tell me if theres anything strange you notice" I continue to rub my eyes of gunk to try to get a clearer vision. When things start coming into focus, the only thing i notice is this strange imprint. An imprint that looked like a hoof of some sort of animal. When i asked her, she said that that is what she thought, but apparently my dad came into the bathroom and when he saw this footprint, he picked the rug up to show my mum, but when he picked it up, the print was damaged and out of shape. While i'm trying to figure things out, my mum had even taken video footage and pictures by this time. What my dad had seen was actually a baby's foot print. He said it was clear like someone had just stepped out of the shower with wet feet. This thing was tiny. There are no small people in my family, my 12 yr old brother is my size ffs.
Anyway, so yesturday, my mum had some friends from church to come in and pray over the house. They had no idea of what happened, my mum kept it quiet to see what they could sense. After they did a sweep around the house, they left. But my mum told me that they felt very uncomfortable abuse presences around the kitchen, outside the house and the living room. When they walked into the bathroom, they told her that they felt as if a mother was in depression, very sad. She had lost something, an abortion perhaps. By this time i was getting a little worried. Not only was this print a print of a baby's foot, but it was soooo clear that it looked like a print a piece of furniture makes on a carpet when it hasn't been moved for weeks... Thats how deep it was. I tried standing on my heel for a whole minute with wet feet. And it didn't come close to the depth that this one had.
The last thing we need are demons around the house, hopefully they're going to leave us alone now. But reading this story
http://albinoblacksheep.com/text/ducky.php , then going to this bugs me a lot.