Nov 21, 2004 16:00
I have no reason to cry or be angry.
I tend to whine and pout over things when they aren’t going perfect. But REALITY. Nothing goes perfect.
I’m constantly angry at the world, my parents, and the stupidest littlest things that wont mean a thing tomorrow.
Today someone will die, maybe by accident, maybe on purpose, maybe my nature. But I’m breathing today, and every time I take air into my lungs I should be grateful. I’m living today.
I love the old cliché, “Live today, like there’s no tomorrow.” It’s true though, each day should be taken carefully and used wisely. Because in reality, we don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow. We don’t even know what will happen a hour from now. To ourselves, or the ones who mean the most to us.
Today is a day most would call dreary and yucky. One of those rainy, wet, dark days. Usually they make me feel down and miserable. Not today though. I heard a bird chirping, and thought to myself, he’s not letting this hazy day get to him, why let it get the best of me.
Tomorrow I might fight with my sister, or get really upset and overreact about something ridiculous. But today I’m going to listen to my fellow bird friends and giggle at the picture on my wall of President Bush throwing a football at John Kerry, because I think its funny and it makes me laugh. And in all honestly, that’s all that matters.