All frocked up...

Jun 08, 2010 17:00

Yes, it's a post about my ever evolving costuming and cosplay plans. So much to make, so little time.

First, an updated schedule of events:

July 24 Steampunk Picnic and ZigZag railway trip - revamp Steampunk outfit PHEW! One less sewing outfit. This is sister-wives day!

September 23-26 Gen-Con Oz (Brisbane - Cosplay - Mulan Disney Princess Superhero & Huntress)

October 1-4 Spring War
October 15-17 Melgeddon (Melbourne - Cosplay - Huntress & Charlotte from Princess and Frog & Powergirl from Adam Hughe's power of DC pic)

December 11 Gate to the Sanctuary

January 14-15 Twelfth Night (Canberra) - 14th C Italian Dress (that one or the Dragonfly Dress

February 18-21 Gallifrey (LA - Cosplay - Nyssa Black Orchid dress & Tegan Stewardess outfit) - Will likely end up staying about a week and having visits with peeps and a mini Deense-con, not exactly sure of dates. Must also have some basic sewing done so I can spend time with silensy and work on her Steph Brown Batgirl)
February 26-27 Sydgeddon (Cosplay - Scandal Savage, Cheshire)

April - Brisnova (Brisbane - Cosplay - Mockingbird, Steampunk Ivy, Cheshire
April - Melnova (Redux of BLack Orchid Nyssa)


September 2011 (YES I LOOK AHEAD) Dragon*Con (Queen of Fables, Cheshire or Scandal Savage, and ???)
Will be doing a Deense-Con here too, and going to Disney World after.

Before I do any of that, I really need to finish John's tunics including embroidery, and make a dress for a girlfriend in the US! YAY.

Fixing up the Steampunk you'll see in another post!

Here's sorta the big one. Huntress is going to take a LOT of work for me. It's going to take a couple tries, I figure, working with materials I'm not entirely comfortable or familiar with. But, there you go. It's the sorta challenge that I enjoy? I also am not starting work on it til late August, giving my diet/exercise regime more time to work!


Mulan, from this Disney Princess Superhero art by Kreugan from DeviantArt

Will see Huntress out again, and likely fixed up! It'll also see me go as part of the COMPLETE Adam Hughes Real Power of the DC Universe group for the Masquerade Ball! I get to be Powergirl

And as I'm helping with the cosplay contest, and one of the judges is dressing as Tiana, I thought I'd go as Charlotte as I'll be her helper. :)

So, for my THIRTY FIFTH birthday, I'm going to pull another Deense-Con in LA and go to Gallifrey One I'll DEFINITELY be getting my fill of Old Who cosplay love, and as Peter Davison (5th Doctor) and Janet Fielding (Tegan Jovenka) will be there, I'll be doing Nyssa from Black Orchid and Tegan in her Stewardess outfit which I've wanted to do for a long time.

I'll likely fix RomanaII and bring her too.

THE NEXT WEEKEND IS THE FIRST SydGeddon and we managed to get Gail Simone invited! So it's a weekend of doing all of Gail's characters, either ones she's written or created.
Scandal Savage from the Secret Six (We've started a BoP vs SS group even

The lovely and evil Cheshire

And if I have TIME Queen of Fables, otherwise she'll SO debut at Dragon*Con

It's hot, so one day Cheshire will come back out!

Steampunk Poison Ivy - The best way I can describe it, is a cross of the frist two looks with the last two looks with steampunk bits worked in.

And, Original Mockingbird

Think I have my work cut out for me?

crafty stuff, cosplay, sca, comics: dc girl in a marvel mold, costuming

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