oguri shun's ANN will come to an end in march...

Mar 04, 2010 14:38

ogurin shun's all night nippon is coming to an end in march...

31/3 will be the last broadcast he make, for the reason that shun would like to focus on his career as an actor.

he mentioned in the ANN on 4/3:
during the filming of tokyo dogs, the cast had to start filming 2 hours later on thursdays to accomodate the midnight  ANN broadcast. he was quite depressed for letting broadcasts interfere his daily schedule.

although ANN has always been part of his life, he would like to quit for a while and focus more on his work as an actor. he promised at last that he would return one day.

so sad to hear that... but as this is his choice, we should support anyway.

oguri shun all night nippon
