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ohmygeng February 28 2012, 08:17:08 UTC
YeMin in your journal?!

... )


deemonic February 28 2012, 10:36:04 UTC
Heeeey, I'm the one who'd stopped replying... I think. *dies of anvil to the head ( ... )


ohmygeng February 28 2012, 11:23:07 UTC
/revives you Nah, it's cool. This kind of thing usually happens to me, tbh. orz

Could you please help refresh my memory, because I'm not entirely certain of what you want from me... XD I would need to know of Jongwoon's and Sungmin's relationship too lol.

Yeah, I totally noticed the whole KyuSung thing... And considering how you're one of the very few persons I know with a preference for YeKyu... LOL, well, it was definitely an interesting read, finding out about their back story. :'D

Lol, I can totally understand!! My SiBum fic was supposed to have a little bit of relevant action, but considering how I would already suck at writing SiBum...

Ah! I do get that part, yes, but while reading, I think I got sidetracked by a paragraph about coffee or something. @_____@ My bad as well. No need to be sorry! D': Thank you for the enlightenment!

...So you're never going to reveal who Jongwoon had accidentally killed, I take it?


dsjfkdhjkdhsjkfhkdjsfKEYBOARDSMASHFULLOFLOVE ( ... )


deemonic February 28 2012, 11:53:25 UTC
Why are we so failbusy? xP We should know better than to develop such long convos.

YeMin's relationship is that they've only met up at the bar, uhm... no backstory. Waitasec, I'll just PM you my dilemmas.

And that preference for YeKyu stands, but mostly cause I look at Kyu with any pairing and go ummmm... I bet you'd really like it up the backdoor. For no apparent reason. When it's not smut, I can just call it by the relevant name, and I admit in this case Kyu's kind of ended up pulling the strings... so whatever. KyuSung it is. xP

Which brings me to my next dilemma. Wait for the PM.

Hey! I was waiting for that SiBum *sniffles* *supports you*

Y'know.. I thought I'd gotten rid of that distracting paragraph abt coffee. Damn 0.-

I think it's obvious whom Jongwoon killed... and if not, I suppose uhm... if I get a chance, I will. I might get a chance, actually.

Awwwws *clings onto your skirt* (@----;---

HUG!!!!!!!!! <333 (I've no gifs... I'll search for some.)


ohmygeng February 28 2012, 12:18:56 UTC
Lol, methinks it's partly because I go on a hiatus every two months, and that we talk too darn much for our own good. :'D

I'm reading your PM and good gravy, I was like @________@ throughout.

L O L, I can't even- Well, yes, KyuSung is more relevant now...

I do to write Siwon giving Kibum coming-of-age gifts and cackle over the hilarity of it all, don't worry!

Well... Now you have?

Lol, well, I can't say anything since you've actually told me who it is, but I don't know...

XD I'm more of a dress person, but bawww!

I've a limited number of gifs too LOL.


deemonic February 28 2012, 13:27:47 UTC
Hey, I'm on sick-leave for the day... and it's my b-day this Friday, only that I have to work (and that's gonna mean they're gonna expect me to bring candy *sigh*)

0__________0 I was like that when I'd first imagined it. KyuSung is relevant in here, indeed. Good thing in this case I don't have to write smut between them, or else my YeKyu bias would overpower any common sense and create a huge plot inconsistence.

I want I want I want I WANT!!! That SiBum fic!!! xD Lmao.. an OTP that's become a rare pairing, what's happened?! *sigh*

*leaves your skirt and tugs at dress instead* Aiiiiiiin!!!!

I have a naughty Teuk gif... it has nothing to do with the convo, but here - you can have him:

... )


ohmygeng February 28 2012, 14:44:47 UTC
Are you still feeling sick? Then you'd better rest, young lady! /drags you to your bed Ahhh, your birthday soon, huh? It's a little too late for me to prepare anything.. Sorry, :'<

You're making me imagine the smut between them, and now, I have a slight headache. @______@

Why do you want it? LOL. I really really have no idea how to write SiBum, and I could easily pretend that they needn't be part of the fic verse but... I want everyone inside it. ;~; What happened? Kibum became as elusive as the four legendary Pokemon (dogs), that's what happened. :<

LOL. Oh, Alyssa. XDD

That's not exactly naughty naughty, by my standards at least LOL. And he kind of looks like Heechul at the beginning... :O


deemonic February 28 2012, 15:56:55 UTC
Nah, I'm no longer feeling sick... And if I did my laptop would have followed me into the bed. xD It's okay, I'd only figured it yesterday... OMG - it's my b-day soon... crap. Khekhe.

*pats your head* There, there... we shall never mention YeKyuKyuSung smut in regards to this fic. Now on with the YeMin!

I don't even know why I wanna read it so much... sometimes, I crave SiBum, only that no one writes it and I've no idea how to write a pairing that doesn't involve any KRY member. You're making me wanna watch Pokemon. You and another two friends. I might just fall back into childhood.

Lolz, sorry... Indeed, I've seen my naughtier Teuk gifs. Don't have them saved though.


ohmygeng February 29 2012, 02:40:56 UTC
But if I can recall, you have mentioned to me before about being sick... /pats you

Lol, I think between us, we have vowed to never mention quite a few things, Idek. XD

I would go lurk for a SiBum fic... But I ended up requesting my friend for a SiBum fic instead. XD Excuse me; you need no reason to pick up watching Pokemon again. 8D

That's like me and all the suggestive Sungmin gifs on the interwebz.


deemonic February 29 2012, 20:19:33 UTC
Lolz I... dunno.. I'm gonna quit my current job tomorrow, cause I've been accepted to a hopefully better place *shruggies* I'm gonna need all those reassuring pats.

Oooh what were those, again? I think one of them was explicit, kinky KyuWook/WookHyun smut *sniggers* ...others I don't remember /bricked

And did she actually write it? *googly eyes* ...yeah, I guess I don't really need an excuse to watch it, even if I'm way too old *is blasting off again*

...nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Sungmin is forever tough and manly in my head, even when he crossdresses.


ohmygeng March 1 2012, 04:34:43 UTC
Ah, so you've come to a decision, then? (: Hope that it'll turn out for the better for you! ^^ /pats you like a cat 8D

Yeah, pretty much KyuWook/WookHyun smut. D8 And Kyuhyun/inanimate objects and Sungmin with nunchucks... Er. orz

Haha! She's pretty busy with school and all, so I'm not bugging her for it. But she says that she'll definitely write it! :'D Lol, I would play Pokemon on my GBA emulator.. I'm playing it now, actually! XD

Lol, dude, I never said that I viewed Sungmin as a female. He can be suggestive and still be convincingly manly, y'know !!

... )


ohmygeng March 2 2012, 12:53:35 UTC
Because I'm rather late...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! <3333333333333

/squishes you

... )


You're never late!!! ;) deemonic March 2 2012, 15:47:34 UTC
Yup, I've come to DECISION. Now need to wait for an electronic ID tag... means I'm currently all free... as a bird... as a tree... as a really frustrated fic writer /bricked =O

Lmao... should we add Kyuhyun AND Sungmin with any phallic object 'cept for a microphone in hand to our list? Or would it be too harsh? I dunno, I'd like to one day scare the heck out of myself by writing KyuWook (WookHyun?) smutz, but till I gather that courage... *lips sealed*

I'm gonna sound completely insane and claim Min looks a wee bit Russian in that gif... I can honestly imagine him going 'cho?!' ...which means what in Russian. (Actually chto means 'what', so 'cho' is more like '...wha?!', but I'm so used to saying that in convos I hardly notice anymore >.< /end being unrelated)

*ish being squished Yesung style* eeep! THANKSTHANKYOUTHANKIES!!!! I'm gonna be sad and save the gif for further reference. As well as THIS


Re: You're never late!!! ;) ohmygeng March 4 2012, 15:24:58 UTC
That's great to hear, that you've resolved it! ^^ Hey! At least you have quite a bit of free time~ :D

Or we could just ban phallic objects, except microphones, altogether. ;~; I could be up to it, but I draw a blank lol. orz

He does? I don't know lol; all I know is that he looks good there! XDD Learning something new every day~

I don't understand the relevance of the link, but umm, it's very much appreciated! ;D


Re: You're never late!!! ;) deemonic March 4 2012, 17:39:35 UTC
xP Uh huh... now if only I could channel it into writing...

Ban phallic objects from the SuJu dorms? So... no more bananas, phallic vegetables, sausages, rolling pins (I think that'd only affect Ryeowook), baseball bats... what else? IDEK, candles? Not to mention toothbrushes 0_0 *sigh* Life isn't very fun without em phallic objects.

Uh huh, he does. It's all in the wishful thinking.

What'cha talking about? Topless Yesung is always relevant.


Re: You're never late!!! ;) ohmygeng March 5 2012, 13:31:51 UTC
I know what you mean. I'm kind of free, other than work, and I haven't done much other than beta. orz

...Oh no, anything but the bananas !! ;A; I only meant phallic objects in rated fics, of course. ...Oh wait. Never mind this whole thread. OTL

Oh, he definitely is. ;)


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