So now that you're all disarmed by the lack of posting on my part, I will ATTACK with two posts tonight!
This is an activity for everyone who has been street harassed or sexually harassed recently:
1) go to and check that shit out.
2) participate! Write your own holla back about your harassment or (if you have lots of time to read and post emails) start a hollaback[yourarea] so everyone can post about the local notorious harassers .
3) be pissed about it. Because there is a great deal of good that can come from constructively used anger.
4) talk about it. all the time. and yell at "wiener waggers" and draw attention to them on the street, because the last thing they want is attention to the fact that they are doing something ILLEGAL!
Fuck those fucking bastards. Seriously, Lorena Bobbitt was onto something.