Purple (NC-17)

Jan 20, 2008 01:38

Once again, I wrote for Porn Battle instead of my Big Bang story. Bad Dee.

posted to gate_house and housefic

Title: Purple
Author: Dee Laundry
Pairing: House/Sheppard (House/SGA crossover)
Rating: NC-17
Words: 752
Summary: Stoned sex with a young random stranger, years ago (Porn Battle V, prompt: haze)

Greg House sits sprawled across two cushions )

fic, sga

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Comments 31

purridot January 20 2008, 07:33:47 UTC
Once again, I wrote for Porn Battle instead of my Big Bang story. Bad Dee.

Oh, I think John appreciated the big bang very much, actually :D (As did we).


deelaundry January 20 2008, 13:31:50 UTC
Aw, thanks. He did. :)


bironic January 20 2008, 14:24:03 UTC


bironic January 20 2008, 14:33:31 UTC
More coherent: Not only did someone write this prompt, YOU wrote this prompt! Yay! Hot hot hot: how the story's just the sex, but it says something significant about each of them. House young and sour and freshly defiant, Sheppard younger (I was wondering how you'd handle the age difference) but just as exhilarated at being free, and that note that while Sheppard's had sex with men before, none of them have treated him quite properly. And how much do I love, "You're jailbait." "I'm John." !

Now I shall stop staring at this Wilson/Sheppard prompt and a blank page like I did all day yesterday and actually write the darn thing before the Battle ends. Yes.


deelaundry January 20 2008, 15:11:51 UTC
Thanks -- celebratory sex with random stranger FTW. I wanted to work in House's issues with another pilot named John, but it didn't quite work. Another day for that. : )

Yes! You will write Wilson/Sheppard and I will gobble it down greedily.


bironic January 20 2008, 16:34:13 UTC
(Yes! It is working today!)

I wanted to work in House's issues with another pilot named John

Would've been awesome, but you're right that this wasn't the snippet for it. Maybe next time? ;)

Also: thumbs-up on "I didn't take you for a rule follower." Yes.


tripperfunster January 20 2008, 15:26:45 UTC
I've never seen SPN, but that was hawt! I love the pilot/doctor ending too. Very funny.

I don't know....you have that stoned thing down pretty good......:D


deelaundry January 20 2008, 15:58:00 UTC
Here's pics of John these days: http://community.livejournal.com/gate_house/21712.html

And here he is (the actor, anyway) at age 27: http://patterns-rhyme.livejournal.com/48359.html

We can only imagine how he looked during this fic. Mmmmm.

I plead the fifth on the stoned thing, but am happy it seemed realistic. Thanks!


topaz_eyes January 20 2008, 17:35:37 UTC
Sweeeeeeeet. Just like watching them, mmmmhmmm

(And yes, go you! for another piece of Porn Battle hotness!)


deelaundry January 21 2008, 03:11:57 UTC
Thanks! And thanks! It was all due to inspiration from you and bironic. Mmm, Cuddy/House/Wilson goodness.


daisylily January 20 2008, 18:25:17 UTC
Ooh! *fans self*

I wasn't sure how much I'd like this, because I'm a bit meh about Sheppard, whereas I adore Rodney, but this is great. And very hot.



deelaundry January 21 2008, 03:14:32 UTC
I like Rodney more than Sheppard, too, but there's something yummy about those long lean bodies against each other... Thanks!


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