(no subject)

Apr 02, 2007 18:16

Two more from Stump the Writer.  Guess no one will believe me when I say I was actually pretty good at this game.

daisylily stumped me with Wondering about that occupied a few minutes, but then my attention wandered. (Why Dr. House Cancelled Poker Night).  Her prompt was the single word 'honey.'

Sticky Stuff, PG-13, House & Wilson at home, 346 words.


You bellowed?

Can you please tell me why there are ants in the hamper?

A couple of ants here and there are no big deal. No need to take them as a reflection on your cleaning skills, sweetie.

I agree; I don’t; you’re supposed to keep the bedroom clean; I hate it when you call me that; and a conservative estimate of the number of ants in the hamper would be one thousand.

*ticking on fingers*


Oh, that. It’s your fault.


You got home late yesterday.

Yes, I did. What does that have to do with the ants?

You neglected me.

Anderson’s wife went into pre-term labor just as he was about to do an emergency biopsy on his patient. I had to take over the biopsy so he could go. All of which I told you when I got home, but you were too busy snubbing me to listen.

You didn’t even call.

Emergency biopsy, House; no ability to call. Besides which, you’re a grown man who can ostensibly take care of himself, and you regularly come home late for no reason other than you feel like it.

And you’re always on time, so I had a surprise all set up for you. When you didn’t come home, I might have been somewhat miffed and put my pants back on without cleaning up.

And then later threw said pants in the hamper to attract ants. I knew when you took that shower right before bed that something was up. So what was it?


You walked around the whole night with honey in your pants?

It was squishy and sticky and quite fun. You missed out, let me tell you.


I didn’t think about it attracting bugs. I probably should have thrown the jeans in the washer for you.

Well, it’s not that big a deal. So, you got anything in your pants for me now?

Just a hot dog, plain. But you can add some mustard if you like.

With relish.

savemoonystumped me with House spared Wilson a quick glance. (Theater 3; I thought it was Luminescence) and asked for House/Snape.

GH + SS, R. I actually wrote a drabble for this!  100 words exactly.

The guy wasn’t that good looking, his clothes reminded House of dresses, and he had a weird obsession with some teenaged boy. But he fucked like a Thai whore and was smart enough to know that the vast majority of the populace were idiots. House liked him.

“When’re you going back to Australia?”

“You imply that I’m from the homeland of descendents of the criminally insane? The bubble-headed dolts from that hospital must be rubbing off on you.”

“You’re the only one rubbing on me. I was teasing, Sev.”

“Completely ineffectively. I shall have to show you how it’s done.”


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