Happy April!

Apr 03, 2013 20:35

Happy April, everyone! You've seen on Nightdog's journal that it's Poetry Month... it's also Autism Acceptance Month. "But I don't know any autistic people," you might be thinking.

Yes, you do.

You know me. *waves*

If you want to know more about Autism Acceptance Month, go here. If you have other things to do, well, that's understandable.

Just please do me this favor: Don't participate in "awareness" activities that aren't run by autistic people. Don't buy a puzzle piece sticker or "light it up blue," or listen to anyone who tries to say autism is "a public health crisis." It isn't. Underfunding services for people who need them is a public health crisis.

Autism doesn't speak -- but autistics do. Support Autistic Self Advocacy Network.

This entry was originally posted at http://deelaundry.dreamwidth.org/14892.html. Please comment there using OpenID.
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